Magi (See Christmas)
Major Prophets (See Prophets, Major & Minor)
Malachi, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Malachi
Malefactors (Criminals) (See Thief on the Cross)
Malfeasance in Office (See Politics)
Malice (See Anger)
Mammon (See Greed)
Man of Lawlessness (See Apostasy)
Man's Nature (See Nature of Man)
Mansion (See Heaven)
Manslaughter (See Murder)
Marijuana (See Drug Abuse)
Mark of the Beast (See Premillennialism)
> Can you summarize the Gospel of Mark?
Marriage (See also Divorce and Family)
> How about interracial marriage?
> How can I have a good marriage?
> Should I marry my pregnant girlfriend?
> What can make marriage successful?
> Marriage, A Great Masterpiece
> Husband and Wife Relationship
> Husbands Love Your Wives (part 1)
> Husbands Love Your Wives (part 2)
> Wives, Submit to Your Own Husbands (part 1)
> Wives, Submit to Your Own Husbands (part 2)
> A Study of 1 Corinthians Chapter 7
> Were Mary and Joseph Married? (sermon outline)
> Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Questions and Answers
Marriage Annulment (See Annulment)
Marriage to a Relative (See also Fornication, Cain's Wife)
> Is marriage between cousins a sin?
Mary, Mother of Jesus (See also Catholicism)
> What is wrong with praying to Mary?
Master (See Lord)
Masturbation (See also Sex)
Materialism (See Greed)
> Matthew 24 and Jesus' Coming
> Matthew 5: 32 and Matthew 19: 9, a Study
> Matthew 18: 15-17, the Ploy of False Teachers
> Can you summarize the Gospel of Matthew?
Meat Eating (See also Law of Moses)
Mediator (See Jesus)
Medical Marijuana (See Drug Abuse)
Meditation (See New Age Movement)
Meekness (See Humility)
> The High Priesthood of Jesus
Membership (See Attendance)
> The Gospel and Mental Health
Merit (See Obedience)
> How do we know Jesus was the Messiah?
> What are some Messianic prophesies?
Methodist Church (See Church, The True, Denominationalism)
Methuselah (See also Flood)
> Can you explain Methuselah's age?
Micah, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Micah
Mid-Acts Dispensationalism (See Baptism Debate 2011)
Military Service (See War)
Millennium (See Premillennialism)
Minister (See Preaching)
Minor Prophets (See Prophets, Major & Minor)
Miracles (See also Holy Spirit)
> Can Christians work miracles today per Rom. 11:29?
> Can you comment on miracles?
Miser (See Giving)
Misjudgment (See Judging)
Missionary Society (See Institutionalism - Church Funded)
Modest Clothing (See Dress)
Mohammedanism (See Islam)
Money (See Greed)
Morality (See Christian Living)
Mormonism (See also Church, The True)
> The Truth about Baptism by Proxy
> Mormonism and Christianity (external link)
Mosaic Law (See Law of Moses)
Moses (See also Old Testament Characters lesson series)
Motherhood (See also Family)
> How important is motherhood?
Mourner's Bench (See Sinner's Prayer)
Mourning (See Suffering)
Movies (See Entertainment)
> What is taught about murder?
Murmuring (See Discontentment)
> Can you comment on music in praising God?
> Can you mention arguments for mechanical music?
> How about choirs, solos, and vocal bands?
> How about rock music in worship?
> Choirs, Solos and Vocal Bands in Worship
> Arguments Used to Justify Mechanical Music in Worship
> Where is Elvis when you need him?
Muslims (See Islam)