About Us
Introduction. The Holly Street church of Christ in Denver, Colorado, is a group of Christians that have banded together into one fellowship for the purpose of worshipping God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). We believe all things that God has said to us through His Word (the Bible) are important and deserve our utmost attention (Hebrews 4: 12, 2 Timothy 3: 16-17). We endeavor to do Bible things in Bible ways and to speak only where the Bible speaks and to remain silent where the Bible is silent (1 Peter 4: 11, Colossians 3: 17).
Website Overview. Our website has an extensive collection of Bible-based materials for your use.
- Over 1000 archived answers and articles can be found under the "Topics" choice in the menu bar above or by using the search feature on the home page.
- Online and downloadable Bible lessons under the "Lessons" choice above
- Bible study aids under the "Study Aids" choice above
- Audio recordings of sermons arranged by topic and year under the "Sermons" choice above.
Copyright and Permitted Distribution. Unless otherwise stated, the Holly Street church of Christ owns the copyright for all materials on this website as protected by United States and international copyright laws.
You may freely copy or distribute the materials that appear on our website, but only for non-commercial purposes (e.g., private study, Bible study classes). We only request you include the website on material that is distributed to others.
You may freely copy or distribute the materials that appear on our website, but only for non-commercial purposes (e.g., private study, Bible study classes). We only request you include the website on material that is distributed to others.
External References Disclaimer. If you were to do a thorough scrub of our website as well as of our answers to submitted questions, you would find a number of "external" references we use by those who are not associated with the churches of Christ. Examples include Smith’s Bible Dictionary, Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Vine’s Expository Dictionary, the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Ken Ham’s “Answers in Genesis” website, the "Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry" (CARM) website, and commentaries by Matthew Henry, Albert Barns, & others. On occasion, we are asked why we use such references. This is because they teach the truth on a particular subject. Use of them in one subject does not mean we endorse all they teach. The same could be said in using references by members of the churches of Christ.
Therefore, when you use our website and/or receive an answer from us to your submitted question, use caution and discernment with any "external" references you read about. We cannot give you a blanket endorsement of everything such references might have. Candidly, we would urge you to use the same caution and discernment with the material we produce. We are not inspired nor infallible. So be diligent and study the material carefully for yourself (especially the scripture references). Be a "Berean": "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." Acts 17:11 (NASV)
Therefore, when you use our website and/or receive an answer from us to your submitted question, use caution and discernment with any "external" references you read about. We cannot give you a blanket endorsement of everything such references might have. Candidly, we would urge you to use the same caution and discernment with the material we produce. We are not inspired nor infallible. So be diligent and study the material carefully for yourself (especially the scripture references). Be a "Berean": "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." Acts 17:11 (NASV)
Website History. Part of the work of the Holly Street church is this website. Most of the Bible Questions articles were authored by a former Holly Street preacher, Don Martin. They initially appeared in an area newspaper on a weekly basis from 1992 until 1998, and were later used to create this website in 1998. That is why you may encounter references to "dm" in some of the articles.
These articles have been controversial to some because they teach plain truths from God's word that are opposed to modern day thinking. We believe the questions along with their Biblical answers are relevant today. We invite you to carefully consider the Questions and just as carefully consider the Answers. We encourage you to be like those of Berea in Acts 17:11, "Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word all readiness of mind, examining the scriptures daily, whether these things were so".
It is our prayer that you will find this website useful in your quest for The Truth. We welcome your Bible questions and any comments you might have.
These articles have been controversial to some because they teach plain truths from God's word that are opposed to modern day thinking. We believe the questions along with their Biblical answers are relevant today. We invite you to carefully consider the Questions and just as carefully consider the Answers. We encourage you to be like those of Berea in Acts 17:11, "Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word all readiness of mind, examining the scriptures daily, whether these things were so".
It is our prayer that you will find this website useful in your quest for The Truth. We welcome your Bible questions and any comments you might have.