Babes (See Family)
Backbiting (See Gossip)
Backsliding (See Apostasy)
Bad Company (See Peer Pressure)
Baptism (See also Baptism lesson series, Infant Baptism and Salvation)
> Can you comment on Acts 8:35?
> Can you comment on 1 Peter 3:21?
> Can you explain Acts 8:26-40?
> Can you explain Mark 16: 16?
> Have "Old Things Have Passed Away?"
> How about the thief and baptism?
> Is baptism for the saved or unsaved?
> Must one be baptized when one sins?
> Please explain the conversion of Saul
> What do the scriptures teach about baptism?
> What hinders people from being baptized?
> What is the scriptural mode of baptism?
> Why was John baptizing in Aenon?
> An Examination of Acts 22: 16
> Analysis of Acts 2:38 and 3:19
> Baptism - How, Who, Why, and When
> Scriptural Baptism for the Remission of Sins
> Scriptural Facts about Baptism
> The Truth about Baptism by Proxy
> What Does "For" in Acts 2: 38 Mean?
> What is baptism in Jesus' name?
Baptism of Holy Spirit (See Holy Spirit)
Baptist Church (See Church, The True, Denominationalism)
Barrenness (See Family)
Beer (See Drinking)
Behemoth (See Evolution)
Belief (See also Faith, Salvation)
> Why is John 3:16 so wonderful?
> John 3: 16, A Great Statement
Benevolence (See Church Benevolence)
Bereavement (See Suffering)
Bestiality (See Fornication)
Betrothal (See Marriage)
Betting (See Gambling)
> Can you tell me about the Bible?
> Does the Bible apply to our time?
> Why so much emphasis on the Bible?
> Holding Fast the Faithful Word
> The Bible, the Source of Light
> Some Great Chapters in the Bible
Bible Contradictions (See Christian Evidences)
> Time Line Survey of the Bible
> Ancient History from God’s Perspective - Adam to Abraham
> A Survey of the Prophets - Epilog (Between the Testaments)
> Chronology of the NT (part 1)
> Chronology of the NT (part 2)
> Chronology of the NT (part 3)
Bible Inspiration (See Christian Evidences)
Bible Origins (See also Apocrypha)
> Can you explain the manuscripts of the Bible?
> How were the books of the New Testament selected?
Bible Reliability (See Christian Evidences)
Bible Study (See also Authority and on-line Bible study aids)
> Can we understand the Bible alike?
> How can I derive the most from studying the Bible?
> "That's Just Your Interpretation!"
> The Nature of Instruction (part 1)
> The Nature of Instruction (part 2)
> The Nature of Instruction (part 3)
> The Vocabulary of the Spiritual
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 1) - Introduction
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 2) - Three Methods
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 3) - Examples
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 4) - Necessary Inferences
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 5) - Commands
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 6) - The Wording of Commands
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 7) – The Weekly Observance of the Lord's Supper
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 8) - Do Christians keep the Sabbath?
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 9) - Figurative Language
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 10) - Signs and Wonders
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 11) – Traditions of Men
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 12) – Worship - Singing with Musical Instruments
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 13) – Infant Baptism
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 14) – Inherited Sin - Are We Sinners from Birth?
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 15) – Join the Church of Your Choice
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 16) – Once Saved, Are We Always Saved?
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 17) – Those Claiming Inspiration Today
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 18) - The Paradox of General Commands
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 19) - Expediency: Principles for General Commands 1
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 20) – Expediency: Principles for General Commands 2
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 21) – Expediency: Principles for General Commands 3
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 22) – Expediency Today 1
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 23) – Expediency Today 2
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 24) – Limits of Expediency
> Bible Basics (lesson series)
> Effective Bible Study (lesson series)
> Hermeneutics, Handling Aright the Word
> Two Causes for Religious Error
Bible Translations (See also on-line Bible study aids)
> Do you use the King James Version?
> "Lost in the Translation" (part 1)
> More about Translations (part 2)
> The Best Translations (part 3)
> The translation of the Bible
Biblical Plan of Salvation (See Salvation)
Bigamy (See Adultery)
Bigotry (See Racism)
Bill of Divorce (See Divorce)
Bishops (See Elders)
Blacks (See Racism)
Blasphemy (See also Holy Spirit)
> What is blasphemy against the Spirit?
Blessings (See Grace)
Blood of Jesus (See also Cross of Christ)
> Can you comment on the atoning blood?
> How about blood transfusions?
Boasting (See Pride)
Body Piercing (See Earrings)
Body, The (See Church)
Boldness (See Zeal)
Bond (See Marriage)
Bondage (See Slavery)
Boring the Ear (See Earrings)
Born Again Christian (See Salvation)
Boss (See Work, Secular)
Boxing (See Entertainment)
Boy Scouts (See Church Work)
Brazen Serpent (See Crucifixion)
Bread (See also Lord's Supper)
Bribery (See Politics)
Bride (See Marriage)
Bridegroom (See Marriage)
Brimstone (See Hell)
Buddhism (See Christianity, Church, The True, Nature of God)
Building (See Church Building)
Burglary (See Greed)
Burial (See Baptism)
Busy-bodies (See Gossip)