Habakkuk, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Habakkuk
Hades (See also Hell, Judgment)
Haggai, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Haggai
> How about men wearing long hair?
> Is it wrong to celebrate Halloween?
Harlotry (See Fornication)
Harp (See Music)
Haughtiness (See Pride)
Headship (See also Lord, Marriage, Women)
> What will we look like in heaven?
> Will we know each other in heaven?
> Heaven
Hebrews (See Jews)
> Can you briefly explain the design of Hebrews?
> Can you summarize the book of Hebrews?
Hell (See also Hades, Judgment)
> Are there degrees of punishment?
> Hell
Herald of Truth (See Sponsoring Church)
Heresy (See False Teaching)
Hermeneutics (See Bible Study)
High Priest (See Priesthood)
Hinduism (See Christianity, Church, The True, Idolatry, Nature of God)
> What does the Bible say about holiness?
Holy Spirit (See also Nature of God and Miracles)
> Are Acts 2: 38 and 3: 19 parallel?
> What does the Holy Spirit do today?
> What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
> The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
> The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
> The Gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 38)
> The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, Blasphemy against (See Blasphemy)
Holy War (See Islam)
Homage (See Worship)
Home (See Family)
> Can you comment on the homeless?
Homicide (See Murder)
> How about lesbians and homosexuals preaching?
> The Truth about Same Sex Marriages
> The Truth about Homosexuality
Honesty (See also Lying and Zeal)
> Can you comment on honesty and religion?
> It is not Good for Man to be Alone
Hosea, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Hosea
Hospitals (See Institutionalism - Church Funded)
> House Churches Versus Meeting in Houses
House of God (See Church)
Human Sacrifice (See Murder)
Humility (See also Pride)
> Removing the Plank from Your Own Eye
> Whoever Desires to Be Great (part 1)
> Whoever Desires to Be Great (part 2)
> Whoever Desires to Be Great (part 3)
> Whoever Desires to Be Great (part 4)
> Whoever Desires to Be Great (part 5)
> Whoever Desires to Be Great (part 6)
Hunting (See Meat Eating)
Husband (See Marriage, Family)
Hymn (See Music)