Labor (See Work, Secular)
Lamb of God (See Blood of Jesus)
Lamentations, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Lamentations
Language (See Profanity)
Larceny (See Stealing)
Lasciviousness (See Fornication)
Law of Christ (See also Law of Moses)
> Can you comment on the law of Christ?
> Can you explain the "perfect law of liberty"?
> What does "but I say unto you" mean?
> The Gospels, Old Law or Jesus' Law?
Law of Moses (See also Old Testament, Sabbath)
> Can you explain Christ and the Law?
> The Authority of the Law of Moses
Laying on of Hands (See Miracles)
Laziness (See Zeal)
Leader, Leadership (See Church Government, Women Leaders)
Legalism (See also Obedience)
> Legalism, What Exactly Is It?
Lent (See Easter)
Leviathan (See Evolution)
Leviticus, Book of (See also Law of Moses)
> Can you summarize the book of Leviticus?
LGBTQ+ (See Homosexuality)
Liars (See Lying)
Liberalism (See Authority
Liberality (See Giving)
Liberty(Rom. 14) (See Fellowship)
Licentiousness (See Dancing, Fornication)
> Can you explain 1 Peter 3:10?
> Life - Looking Forward and Looking Back
> Life - A Window of Opportunity
Life After Death (See After-life)
> What if there is life on Mars?
Life, Eternal (See Heaven)
> The Contrast of Darkness and Light
Litigation (See Lawsuits)
Living Together (See Fornication)
Loneliness (See Suffering)
Long Hair (See Hair)
Longsuffering (See Suffering)
Lord (See also Obedience)
> What does the Lordship of Jesus involve?
Lord's Day (See also Worship)
Lord's Supper (See also Worship and Transubstantiation)
> Can you explain the Lord's Supper?
> Divisions over the Lord's Supper
> Thoughts on the Lord's Supper
> What is "breaking of bread" in Acts 2:42?
> What is the frequency of the Lord's Supper?
> Acts 20: 7, An Important Verse
> 1 Corinthians 11: 20-22, 33, 34, What Were They Doing?
> The Lord's Supper, the "Second Serving" Controversy
> The Lord's Supper and the Assembly
Lord's Treasury (See Giving)
Lot (See also Abraham)
Lottery Tickets (See Gambling)
Love (See also Judging and Obedience)
> How can love condemn others?
> Is love more important than commandments?
> What does "for God is love" mean?
> Love
> Is Lucifer another name for the Devil or Satan?
> Can you summarize the Gospel of Luke?
Luke-warmness (See Zeal)
Lust (See also Fornication)
> Fleshly Lusts War Against the Soul
> You have heard... But I say... Adultery
Lutheran Church (See Church, The True, Denominationalism)