Idleness (See Work, Secular)
> The Attraction of Idolatry (part 1)
> The Attraction of Idolatry (part 2)
Ifs, of The Bible (See Apostasy)
Illegitimate Children (See Family, Fornication)
Immersion (See Baptism)
Immortality (See Heaven)
Impenitence (See Repentance)
Imposition of hands (See Miracles)
Imputation (See Forgiveness)
In His Name (See Authority)
Incarnation (See Virgin Birth)
Incense (See Worship)
Incest (See Fornication, Cain's Wife)
Incineration (See Cremation)
Inconsistency (See Hypocrisy)
Indifference (See Zeal)
Indwelling of The Holy Spirit (See Holy Spirit)
Infant Baptism (See also Age of Accountability and Baptism)
> Can you address infant baptism?
> How to Interpret the Bible (part 13) – Infant Baptism
Infanticide (killing infants) (See Murder)Infidelity (See Adultery)
Infirmity (See Suffering)
Influence (See also Peer Pressure)
> You are the Salt and the Light (pdf)
Ingratitude (See Thankfulness)
Inhospitableness (See Hospitality)
Injustice (See Suffering)
Innocence (See Age of Accountability)
Innuendo (See Lying)
Insanity (See Suicide)
Insincerity (See Hypocrisy)
Inspiration of the Bible (See Christian Evidences)
Instability (See Perseverance)
Institutionalism - Church Funded
> Institutionalism and Church Supported Orphanages
> 1 Timothy 5, Widows and Church Versus Individual Action
Institutionalism - Privately Funded
> The Foundations Are Not Churches, So....
> Human Institutions, an Unimportant Issue?
> Non-Church Organizations and "Liberals"
> Rationale in Favor of Privately Supported Foundations
> An Exchange on Privately Supported Missionary Societies
> The School of Tyrannus, what Lessons Taught?
> Why Have Privately Supported Preaching Institutions?
Instruction (See Bible)
Instrumental Music (See Music)
Integrity (See Honesty)
Intemperance (See Self-control)
Intercession (See Prayer)
International Church of Christ (See also Church, The True)
> International Church of Christ (external link)
Interpretation (See Bible)
Intolerance, Religious (See Zeal)
Intoxication (See Drinking)
Irresistible Grace (See Called of God, Grace)
Isaac (See also Abraham)
> Isaac, Jacob & Esau (part 1) (pdf)
Isaiah, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Isaiah
Islam (See also Church, The True)
> Islam