Unbelief (See Christian Evidences)
Unclean Foods (See Meat Eating)
Unction (See Holy Spirit)
Unfaithfulness (See Adultery, Apostasy)
Unfruitfulness (See Zeal)
Unification Church (See also Church, The True)
> The Unification Church (external link)
Unitarian Universalist Church (See Church,The True, Universalism)
United Church of Christ (See Church, The True, Denominationalism)
United Pentecostal Church (See Church,The True, Denominationalism, Miracles)
United Way (See Giving)
Unity (See also Controversy and Fellowship)
> How can all religions believe the same?
> Modern Religious Diversity and An Invitation
> What did Jesus teach on unity?
> Why do you think there is only one way?
> "Must We Divide Over Every Issue? "
> Strange Worries (Dee Bowman and Christianity Magazine)
> The Unity in Diversity Movement
> Unity, Aggressively Affected
> Unity School of Christianity (External Link)
> Universalism (External Link)
Unleavened Bread (See Lord's Supper)
Unpardonable Sin (See Blasphemy)
Uprightness (See Righteousness)