Available Bible Lessons
Introduction. This section of our website contains both correspondence-style and downloadable lessons about the Bible. The correspondence-style lessons are administered by selected men of the congregation while the downloadable lessons were prepared by various teachers for use in their Bible classes.
See the menu bar above under "Lessons" to get a pull-down list of available choices or see the list below. Note: On the Mobile version, if you pick the "Lessons" choice and you do not get a pull-down list (you return to this page instead), try picking the right side of the "Lessons" button (where the right arrow appears). |
- Baptism - This downloadable six lesson series discusses the critical role that baptism plays in salvation. This topic is the subject of considerable division among those who claim to follow Christ.
- Bible Study - This 20 lesson series highlights important principles to be used to effectively read, study, and understand the Bible. Special emphasis is given to properly establishing Bible authority for our religious practices, use of study aids, and practical application of these principles.
- Book Surveys - This section of our website contains downloadable lessons related to an individual book or groups of books of the Bible.
- Old Testament Survey - Originally created for a high school-level Bible study class, this downloadable 30 lesson series surveys the Old Testament books in chronological order (when the content of the book most likely occurred). The lessons primarily consist of questions to guide students in their study of the associated book using their BIble and Bible study aids.
- Old Testament Characters - This series examines the lives of the people we read about in the Old Testament. Special emphasis is given to properly understanding what lessons we can learn from them for application to our lives today.
- Major and Minor Prophets - This downloadable lesson series focuses on the Old Testament books often described as the Major and Minor Prophets, an area of which many Christians have limited knowledge.
- Ecclesiastes - Taught by Alan Hitchen starting in the spring of 2014, this series examines the writings of Solomon in the book of Ecclesiastes. Special emphasis is given to properly understanding what lessons we can learn from them for application to our lives today.
- New Testament Survey - Originally created for a high school-level Bible study class, this downloadable series surveys the content of New Testament books in chronological order (when historical events likely occurred or when the various letters were likely written).
- Sermon on the Mount - This series takes an in-depth look at what is commonly called "The Sermon on the Mount" starting in Matt. 5. Special emphasis is given to properly understanding what Jesus really taught and how to make proper, practical application of these statements in our lives today.
- Acts of the Apostles - In 2013 and 2014, our preacher, Alan Hitchen, conducted a special series of lessons on the Book of Acts from chapter 1 thru 20. It chronicles the growth of the early church from its creation shortly after Jesus' resurrection until Paul’s first Roman imprisonment.
- 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus - This brand new series (still in progress) examines the letters Paul wrote to his friends and fellow-evangelists Timothy and Titus.
- Christian Living - This section of our website contains downloadable lessons related to living as a faithful Christian.
- Adding to your Faith - In the fall of 2013, Alan Hitchen conducted a special series of lessons on 2 Peter 1:3-11 "Adding to Your Faith". This passage is one of the most practical and useful summaries found in the New Testament regarding what it means to grow as a faithful Christian.
- Personal Evangelism - This downloadable nine lesson series discusses the personal responsibility of faithful Christians to spread God's word. Emphasis is placed on having the right motivation, setting a proper example by living right, and preparing to discuss the Bible with someone.
- Practical Christianity for Teenagers - This downloadable 58 lesson series emphasizes many Bible subjects targeted toward teenagers. Each lesson primarily consists of questions to be researched and answered.
- Prayer - This downloadable eight lesson series examines the important communication that every faithful Christian should have with God.
- Supernatural Power - This short series examines both imagined and actual power associated with the supernatural. This includes a wide range of topics that include idol worship, sorcery, witchcraft, superstition, the occult, New Testament miracles, modern-day miracles, and Pentecostalism.
- Work of the Church - This downloadable seven lesson series discusses the responsibilities God gave local congregations. It explores a number of false doctrines commonly associated with not only various Protestant denominations, but also among churches of Christ today.