What does the Holy Spirit do today?
Introduction. The Holy Spirit is a member, if you will, of the Godhead (Acts 5: 3,4 17:29). The Holy Spirit has always been active. It was he who "moved upon the face of the waters" during the original creation (Gen. 1:2). The Spirit was involved in creating man – "let us make man in our image..." (Gen. 1:26). The Holy Spirit is always associated with order – not confusion (Gen. 1:2). During the age of miracles, the Holy Spirit imparted miraculous gifts (1 Cor. 12:8-11). However, Paul taught, in the setting of exercising these gifts, "for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..." (I Cor. 14:33). What does the Holy Spirit do today? To establish the work of the Spirit and how he performs this work, consider the following:
Many spiritual actions are ascribed to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is involved in the new birth. Jesus said, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit..." (John 3:5). The Spirit sanctifies (1 Pet. 1:2). The Spirit convicts (John 16:8, ASV), comforts (Acts 9:31), teaches (1 Cor. 2:13), saves (Tit. 3:5), purifies (1 Pet. 1:22), and exerts power (Rom. 15:13).
The same actions are said to be realized as a result of the word of God. We are born again by the word (1 Pet. 1:23), sanctified by the word (John 17:17), and convicted by the word (Tit. 1:9). Moreover, the word of God comforts (1 Thes. 4:18), teaches (2 Tim. 3:16, 17), saves (Jas. 1:21), purifies (1 Pet. 1:22), and exerts power (Rom. 1:16)
Conclusion. The truth of the matter is every case of salvation today is commenced, continued, and shall be consummated by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit, however, does not work irresistibly, mysteriously, and directly. He works through the word of God, the seed of the kingdom (Luke 8:11).
Many spiritual actions are ascribed to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is involved in the new birth. Jesus said, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit..." (John 3:5). The Spirit sanctifies (1 Pet. 1:2). The Spirit convicts (John 16:8, ASV), comforts (Acts 9:31), teaches (1 Cor. 2:13), saves (Tit. 3:5), purifies (1 Pet. 1:22), and exerts power (Rom. 15:13).
The same actions are said to be realized as a result of the word of God. We are born again by the word (1 Pet. 1:23), sanctified by the word (John 17:17), and convicted by the word (Tit. 1:9). Moreover, the word of God comforts (1 Thes. 4:18), teaches (2 Tim. 3:16, 17), saves (Jas. 1:21), purifies (1 Pet. 1:22), and exerts power (Rom. 1:16)
Conclusion. The truth of the matter is every case of salvation today is commenced, continued, and shall be consummated by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit, however, does not work irresistibly, mysteriously, and directly. He works through the word of God, the seed of the kingdom (Luke 8:11).