> Where Did Cain Find Mrs. Cain?
Called of God (See also Calvinism)
> How God Called and Chose His Saints
Calling on the Lord (See Sinner's Prayer)
Calvinism (See also Apostasy and Predestination)
Capital Punishment (See Death Penalty)
Captivity (See Slavery)
Care (See Love)
Careers (See Work, Secular)
Carnal mindedness (See Worldliness)
Casinos (See Gambling)
Catholicism (See Authority, Church, The True, Mary, Mother of Jesus, Religious Titles)
Caution (See Apostasy)
Celibacy (See Priesthood)
Channeling (See Occult)
Character (See Morality)
Character Studies (See entries for individuals)
Charismatic Movement (See Miracles)
Charity (See Love, Benevolence)
Chastity (See Fornication)
Cherub (See Angels)
Cherubim (See Angels)
Child Abuse (See Family)
Children (See Family)
Choirs (See Music)
Choruses (See Music)
Chosen (See Predestination)
Christ (See Jesus)
Christ in Hell (See Hades)
Christadelphianism (See also Church, The True)
> Christadelphianism (external link)
Christening (See Infant Baptism)
Christian Church (See Church, The True, Denominationalism)
> The Inclusiveness of Christianity
> The Exclusivity of Christianity
Christian Evidences (See also Christian Evidences lesson series)
> Faith: "A Crutch for the Weak" or Brilliant Deduction?
> God Is!
> What scientific evidence suggests the inspiration of the Bible?
Christian Family Fellowship Ministry
> Christian Family Fellowship Ministry (External Link)
> The Christian Identity Movement (External Link)
Christian Living (See also Practical Christianity for Teenagers (lesson series))
> A Prince/Princess or a Pauper?
> Betrayal
> Conformed to the Image of His Son
> A Generation Arose Who Did Not Know the Lord
> Names
> "No Man"
> Sermons I'd Rather Not Hear (part 1)
> Sermons I'd Rather Not Hear (part 2)
> Sermons I'd Rather Not Hear (part 3)
> Standards: This World's or God's?
> Strangers and Exiles (part 1)
> Strangers and Exiles (part 2) - The Price
> Strangers and Exiles (part 3) - Children of Abraham
> Structural Integrity & Catastrophic Failure
> Sudden - Preparing for the Spiritually Unexpected (part 1)
> Sudden - Preparing for the Spiritually Unexpected (part 2)
> Sudden - Preparing for the Spiritually Unexpected (part 3)
> Sustained - Preparing for the Spiritually Prolonged (part 1)
> Sustained - Preparing for the Spiritually Prolonged (part 2)
> Sustained - Preparing for the Spiritually Prolonged (part 3)
> The Great Cloud of Witnesses
> The Instrument Panel (Frontlets to our Eyes)
> The Life of the Christian (sermon outline)
> Very Precious in the Sight of God
> Whatever is ... Think on These
Christian Science (See also Church, The True)
> Christian Science (external link)
Christian, Become a (See Salvation)
> What was the origin of Christmas and Easter?
Chronicles, Book of First and Second
> Can you summarize the books of Chronicles?
> Is "church of Christ" scriptural?
> The Foundation of the Church (part 1)
> The Foundation of the Church (part 2)
> A Pattern that Reveals the Church (part 1)
> A Pattern that Reveals the Church (part 1)
> A Pattern that Reveals the Church (part 2)
> A Pattern that Reveals the Church (part 3)
> A Pattern that Reveals the Church (part 4)
> Why do you spell church of Christ with a small "c"?
> Why is the local church so important?
> The Concept Many Have of "Church"
> The Sect...Every Where...Spoken Against
> Unbroken Links of the Church
Church and State (See Civil Government)
Church Attendance (See Attendance)
> Can you comment on church benevolence?
> 1 Timothy 5, Widows and Church Versus Individual Action
> Institutionalism and Church Supported Orphanages
> An Exchange on the Community Church Movement
Church Building (See also House Church Movement)
> An Exchange on Kitchens in the Church Building
Church Discipline (See Fellowship)
Church Division (See Controversy)
Church Government (See also Elders and Deacons)
> Head over All Things to the Church
> How about the government of local churches (part 1)?
> How about the government of local churches (part 2)?
> What is the pastoral system of government?
> Deacons, Their Work and Qualifications
> The Local Church and its Autonomy
> Can you explain the history of the church?
Church of Christ (See also Church, The True)
> Differences Among Churches of Christ Today
> A Look at Religious Journals Among Brethren
> The Oak Hills Church, a Model
Church of Christ, Scientist (See also Church, The True)
> Christian Science (external link)
Church of God (See Church, The True, Miracles)
Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints (See Mormonism)
Church of Scientology (See also Church,The True)
> The Church of Scientology (external link)
> Can you comment on church growth?
> The Work of the Church (lesson series)
> "The People Rose Up To Play"
Church, The True (See also Denominationalism and Seeking a Church?)
> Can the true church be identified by numbers?
> How do I find a scriptural church?
> Is one church as good as another?
> The church of Christ as Seen From Heaven
> What is undenominational Christianity?
> What is unusual about the church?
> Ancient Christianity, a Trip Back in Time
Circumcision (See Law of Moses)
> The Christian under Governing Authorities
> How about the Bible and civil government?
> Must elected officials have good morals?
> Should the church and State be separate?
Clairvoyance (See Occult)
> Bible Classes, Some Thoughts
Clean and Unclean Animals (See Meat Eating)
Clergy (See Church Government)
Clothing (See Dress)
Cohabitation (See Fornication)
Collection (See Giving)
> Can you summarize the book of Colossians?
> What do I need to know about Colossians?
> How can tragedies such as Columbine be avoided?
> The Columbine High School Carnage
Comforter (See Holy Spirit)
Commandments (See also Obedience)
Commandments of Men (See False Teaching)
Communion (See Lord's Supper)
Community Church (See also Church, The True)
> The Community Church Movement
Compromise (See Unity)
Conceit (See Pride)
Conception (See Birth Control)
Concupiscence (See Fornication)
Condemnation (See Judgment)
Confession of Christ (See also Salvation)
> "On this Rock I will Build my Church"
Confession of Sin (See also Repentance)
> Putting to Death the Deeds of the Body
Confidence (See Salvation)
Congregation (See Church)
Conscience (See also Nature of Man, Obedience)
> Can you comment on the conscience?
Consecration (See Holiness)
Conservatism (See Authority)
Consistency (See Hypocrisy)
Consolation (See Suffering)
Contend (See Zeal)
Contentment (See Discontentment)
Continue Faithfully (See Apostasy)
Contrition (See Repentance)
Controversy (See also Fellowship and Unity)
> Could Jesus' teaching be considered radical?
> How about Jesus and controversy?
> What kind of preacher was Jesus?
> A Forgotten Verse,1 Corinthians 11:19
Conversation (See Christian Living, Profanity)
Conversions to Christ (See Salvation)
Conviction (See Zeal)
Copulation (See Fornication)
Corinthians, Book of First and Second
> Can you summarize the books of Corinthians?
Coronavirus (See also Peace, Premillennialism, Second Coming, Suffering)
> Christians and the Coronavirus
Corporal Punishment (See Family)
Courage (See Zeal)
Courtesy (See Kindness)
Courtship (See Marriage)
Covenants (See also Law of Moses)
Covering, The (See Veil)
Covetousness (See Greed)
Cowardice (See Zeal)
Creation (See also Evolution)
> Creation, Genesis One and Two
> Creation And Evolution: a Closer Look
> The Majesty of the Material Creation
> "The Fool Hath Said...There Is No God"
Creed (See Denominationalism)
Cremation (See also After-life, Nature of Man)
> Cremation's Rise in Popularity
Crime (See Death Penalty)
Criticism, Unjust (See Suffering)
> What is the power of the cross?
> What would be the case if Jesus had not died?
> Who crucified Jesus, the Jews or the Romans?
Crossroads Movement (See International Church of Christ)
Crown (See Heaven)
Crucifixion (See Cross of Christ)
Cruelty (See Kindness)
> Cults
Cup (See Lord's Supper)
Cursing (See Profanity)