Introduction. As we look at the universe, three positions have developed regarding its origin. The first is that someone infinitely wise and powerful (God) created it. The second is the atheist who denies any intelligence or power - attributing it in various ways to blind chance. The third is the agnostic who admits the possibility of both and has not yet come to a conclusion. While the agnostic is still willing to look at both sides, many atheists have closed their minds. They see their logical inferences as being above those who have concluded there is a God.
Although there is no difference in the reasoning process, the difference in conclusions seems to set the tone. In the minds of most atheists, those who believe God created the universe are ignorant, using emotion and wishful thinking, while atheists use logic and only facts. With this prejudice, it is impossible to reason together on a level playing field.
Yet both have common ground. Anything not seen or experienced personally must be learned by eyewitness testimony or inference. When we study ancient history, we seek for books written by those who lived at the time and archeologists who seek to verify the truth. After looking at all the facts we then draw our own conclusion. Sometimes, we conclude the facts are clear. The evidence shows Alexander the Great was a conqueror and Julius Caesar was an emperor. Other times we conclude that the evidence just isn’t there. For example, at this point, Atlantis is still just a myth
Although there is no difference in the reasoning process, the difference in conclusions seems to set the tone. In the minds of most atheists, those who believe God created the universe are ignorant, using emotion and wishful thinking, while atheists use logic and only facts. With this prejudice, it is impossible to reason together on a level playing field.
Yet both have common ground. Anything not seen or experienced personally must be learned by eyewitness testimony or inference. When we study ancient history, we seek for books written by those who lived at the time and archeologists who seek to verify the truth. After looking at all the facts we then draw our own conclusion. Sometimes, we conclude the facts are clear. The evidence shows Alexander the Great was a conqueror and Julius Caesar was an emperor. Other times we conclude that the evidence just isn’t there. For example, at this point, Atlantis is still just a myth
So what is the evidence the Christian and the atheist use? We both use the existence of the universe. It’s origins are the basis of conviction of both the atheist and the Christian. God has proclaimed that the testimony of His existence is in the material creation.
We see this illustrated in our criminal justice system. Few times are the police present when a crime occurs. With a prosecution and defense, the jury is given the facts from the perspective of both the prosecution and defense. Guilt or innocence is based on inference (forensic evidence), clues, and eyewitnesses.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, presented this in the masterful series of Sherlock Holmes. A detective who was able to find evidence others missed revealing the truth. I especially appreciate one of his most famous quotes put into the mouth of his character. “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
This is the basis of faith in God. The proposition is simple. The universe exists. How did it begin? No one was there. The scientists (both atheist and Christian) are like two attorneys in a trial with each looking at the facts, seeking the most logical answer. Which way does the evidence point is for the jury to decide?
The conclusion of atheists is the “Big Bang,” “Oscillating Universe,” “Multiverse,” and “Evolution.” Yet even the atheist admits there are many things yet to be proved. The “Big Bang” was taught when I was in school (1972). It was the grand argument against creation. Yet it is now in the process of being discarded for another theory. Regardless of the theory, blind chance is a poor substitute for intelligence. When I see a computer, video camera, or successful brain surgery I never attribute it to blind chance. Likewise, it takes intelligence and human effort to make a light bulb or telephone.
My own conclusion is that the complexity of the universe and life are far too intricate to be created by chance. The more we learn about anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc., the more impossible it becomes that it was created by chance. No one finding a working cell phone could successfully prove it was made by chance. There are too many variables. The satellite, cell towers, computers, phone numbers, etc. make it less and less likely that a million or even a billion years would bring a working cell phone into existence.
If computers, video cameras and cell phones can’t be created without a creator, how could an infinitely more complicated eye, brain, memory, and emotions be? If a satellite cannot orbit the earth without man’s intelligence, how can a solar system revolve around a sun? The basic building blocks of the Periodic table must come together in perfection for life to exist. Blind chance is a big stretch for me. The axis of the earth and the subsequent four seasons it creates is more in line with a Creator than a “Big Bang.”
These are only a few of a multitude of things. At some point, we come to Doyle’s quote. As our knowledge grows, it becomes more and more impossible for everything in the universe to be made by chance. Therefore “no matter how improbable” to the atheist, what remains has to be the truth. “God created the heavens and the earth” is my firm conviction based on looking at all the evidence. It is the most logical conclusion based on all the facts. Science has yet to produce a logical alternative that fits all these facts. God said this.
- The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. 2 Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. (Ps. 19:1-4)
- For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (Rom 1:18-22)
We see this illustrated in our criminal justice system. Few times are the police present when a crime occurs. With a prosecution and defense, the jury is given the facts from the perspective of both the prosecution and defense. Guilt or innocence is based on inference (forensic evidence), clues, and eyewitnesses.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, presented this in the masterful series of Sherlock Holmes. A detective who was able to find evidence others missed revealing the truth. I especially appreciate one of his most famous quotes put into the mouth of his character. “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
This is the basis of faith in God. The proposition is simple. The universe exists. How did it begin? No one was there. The scientists (both atheist and Christian) are like two attorneys in a trial with each looking at the facts, seeking the most logical answer. Which way does the evidence point is for the jury to decide?
The conclusion of atheists is the “Big Bang,” “Oscillating Universe,” “Multiverse,” and “Evolution.” Yet even the atheist admits there are many things yet to be proved. The “Big Bang” was taught when I was in school (1972). It was the grand argument against creation. Yet it is now in the process of being discarded for another theory. Regardless of the theory, blind chance is a poor substitute for intelligence. When I see a computer, video camera, or successful brain surgery I never attribute it to blind chance. Likewise, it takes intelligence and human effort to make a light bulb or telephone.
My own conclusion is that the complexity of the universe and life are far too intricate to be created by chance. The more we learn about anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc., the more impossible it becomes that it was created by chance. No one finding a working cell phone could successfully prove it was made by chance. There are too many variables. The satellite, cell towers, computers, phone numbers, etc. make it less and less likely that a million or even a billion years would bring a working cell phone into existence.
If computers, video cameras and cell phones can’t be created without a creator, how could an infinitely more complicated eye, brain, memory, and emotions be? If a satellite cannot orbit the earth without man’s intelligence, how can a solar system revolve around a sun? The basic building blocks of the Periodic table must come together in perfection for life to exist. Blind chance is a big stretch for me. The axis of the earth and the subsequent four seasons it creates is more in line with a Creator than a “Big Bang.”
These are only a few of a multitude of things. At some point, we come to Doyle’s quote. As our knowledge grows, it becomes more and more impossible for everything in the universe to be made by chance. Therefore “no matter how improbable” to the atheist, what remains has to be the truth. “God created the heavens and the earth” is my firm conviction based on looking at all the evidence. It is the most logical conclusion based on all the facts. Science has yet to produce a logical alternative that fits all these facts. God said this.
- The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” (Ps. 14:1)
- but sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord: (being) ready always to give a defense to every man that asks you a reason concerning the hope that is in you, yet with meekness and fear: (1Pet. 3:15)