Since Alan just returned from Malawi, we are providing excerpts from his weekly report as soon as available in lieu of his normal articles we publish on Saturdays …
Final Report
The last few days of my time in Malawi were spent in Nchota-Kota, which is also near the shores of Lake Malawi. About 50 elders, preachers and leaders from a large number of congregations in that district had assembled to learn as much as possible in the time we would spend together. These were intensive classes on the subjects of church organization, work of elders, worship, church history and other timely subjects. Several of these classes stretched out to over two hours as they had many questions. I felt like it was the most productive portion of the trip. I hope that what they learned from these classes will help them become great blessing to the congregations they work with. We were doing exactly what Paul had told Timothy: “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2Tim. 2:2-3.
How Jesus controls His church
Another topic that is frequently requested is about how Jesus organized His church. Generally when they ask about this, it centers on two lines of inquiry. First, when a need arises that is greater than a single congregation can perform, they want to know how churches can work together. Also, when false teaching or immorality arises in a church, and no one within that church has the wisdom to properly handle it, has Jesus given an office of authority to monitor all the churches and then step in and force them to correct any problem that arises?
For more,
1) click on Malawi_2016_Report_6 (part 2) (pdf) to display the full report
2) select the "more… > Malawi" menu item to see the report, associated pictures, and previous reports.
Final Report
The last few days of my time in Malawi were spent in Nchota-Kota, which is also near the shores of Lake Malawi. About 50 elders, preachers and leaders from a large number of congregations in that district had assembled to learn as much as possible in the time we would spend together. These were intensive classes on the subjects of church organization, work of elders, worship, church history and other timely subjects. Several of these classes stretched out to over two hours as they had many questions. I felt like it was the most productive portion of the trip. I hope that what they learned from these classes will help them become great blessing to the congregations they work with. We were doing exactly what Paul had told Timothy: “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2Tim. 2:2-3.
How Jesus controls His church
Another topic that is frequently requested is about how Jesus organized His church. Generally when they ask about this, it centers on two lines of inquiry. First, when a need arises that is greater than a single congregation can perform, they want to know how churches can work together. Also, when false teaching or immorality arises in a church, and no one within that church has the wisdom to properly handle it, has Jesus given an office of authority to monitor all the churches and then step in and force them to correct any problem that arises?
For more,
1) click on Malawi_2016_Report_6 (part 2) (pdf) to display the full report
2) select the "more… > Malawi" menu item to see the report, associated pictures, and previous reports.