Introduction. The first time we are confronted with the taunts and scorn of an atheist or agnostic, we confidently open our Bible to find the chapter holding the proof we need. We search carefully from Genesis to Revelation, looking for the verse or chapter we can use. What we find are passages that reveal God did not put the most extensive proofs of his existence in the Bible. Since God wanted everyone to have access, he put it in the creation itself. The beauty and complexity of the universe leads to one logical deduction. God created it, placed his stamp upon it, and then wrote the Bible to explain why and what he expects from us.
For many years, National Geographic programs have revealed the most awesome and amazing secrets of the sea, arctic, and jungle. The intricacy and beauty from the tiniest creatures to the largest often takes one’s breath away. From the microscopic to the solar system, from the animals of Africa to the flowers in the tropics we see amazing feats in the joining of design and function with breathtaking beauty and form. Those with logic and honesty find themselves drawn to the Creator. God designed his material creation to draw those who have never heard or known into a loving and blessed relationship with Him.
From the beauty of the sunset to the fragrance of a flower, the voice of someone we love to touching the hand of our newborn infant, or tasting the flavor of a freshly baked apple pie we see the invisible attributes of “his everlasting power and divine nature.” And this is only the basics! As we look into the intricacies of each of these systems we become more and more amazed at how “fearfully and wonderfully we are made” (Ps. 139:14)!
At some point in the life of each person questions will enter the mind. Where did all this come from, how was it made, why are we here, and who do we thank, serve or honor? To be born into all this magnificence and never ask those questions only comes from ignorance, arrogance, ingratitude, or apathy.
It is for this reason that God revealed everyone will stand before him in judgment and those seeking an excuse will find none. Truly those who don’t believe in God will have no excuse acceptable to God. All that God did leads us to “seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him.”
Science never asks this question or pursues this line of reasoning. They begin with the assumption it was all by chance. These things just happened without any mind or intelligence guiding it. The lack of logic and consistency never seems to enter their mind. A camera could not exist by chance, but the human eye can? A computer could never evolve, but the human brain can? The water or electrical system of a city could never happen by chance but the human circulatory and central nervous system can? Is this logical? Is it consistent? Even a tin can by the side of the road leads to the conclusion of a human creator, but not the entire material universe? Truly they will be without excuse!
Nature: The Big Lie! Many never think of God’s existence because of a scientific substitution . Science simply attributes everything to “nature,” but they never really define what nature actually is. The dictionary defines “nature” as — “the personification of all natural facts and forces.” In other words, science has taken all the “natural facts and forces” of God’s creation and turned them into a person: “Mother Nature.” In this way, all the amazing and wonderful things God created to draw us to him are neutralized since nobody thinks of them in that light any longer.
The creation is the telescope God created for us to see him. Since “his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,” By wresting the glory from God and giving it to the creation they make God invisible and unknowable. This is not unique or new, it has been used many times. All previous generations rejected God with similar methods.
It always begins the same: “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen” (Rom. 1:21-22, 25). These words perfectly describe the method atheists and agnostics have used today. Once the creation is separated from a Creator, thinking has become futile and hearts have darkened. Without gratitude and a sense of debt, selfishness has taken deep root.
Without God there are no laws and no limits. Man is free to devise his own purpose and explore his own desires. But what appeared to lead into freedom only led into darkness and chaos. In following “the lusts of their hearts” they have only been led to “uncleanness,” “vile passions,” and a “reprobate mind.” Integrity and devotion have nearly evaporated into a memory of “the good old days.” This is not new (Ecc 1:9-11), but it is new to many of us.
Conclusion. How do we protect ourselves and our children? When they say Mother Nature we say God and give him the glory. We thank God without ceasing for every good and perfect gift he has bestowed. We keep our relationship with God alive and our praise warm and sincere. We see God in the sunrise and sunset, in the changing of the seasons, in our food, and in gladness and all our joy! Every creation of man proclaims a creator. The existence of the universe proclaims the existence of God, both now and forever GOD IS!
- For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divine nature, so that they are without excuse, Rom 1:20-21
From the beauty of the sunset to the fragrance of a flower, the voice of someone we love to touching the hand of our newborn infant, or tasting the flavor of a freshly baked apple pie we see the invisible attributes of “his everlasting power and divine nature.” And this is only the basics! As we look into the intricacies of each of these systems we become more and more amazed at how “fearfully and wonderfully we are made” (Ps. 139:14)!
At some point in the life of each person questions will enter the mind. Where did all this come from, how was it made, why are we here, and who do we thank, serve or honor? To be born into all this magnificence and never ask those questions only comes from ignorance, arrogance, ingratitude, or apathy.
It is for this reason that God revealed everyone will stand before him in judgment and those seeking an excuse will find none. Truly those who don’t believe in God will have no excuse acceptable to God. All that God did leads us to “seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him.”
- And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, Acts 17:26-27
- Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness." Acts 14:17-18
- The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. Ps 19:1-4
Science never asks this question or pursues this line of reasoning. They begin with the assumption it was all by chance. These things just happened without any mind or intelligence guiding it. The lack of logic and consistency never seems to enter their mind. A camera could not exist by chance, but the human eye can? A computer could never evolve, but the human brain can? The water or electrical system of a city could never happen by chance but the human circulatory and central nervous system can? Is this logical? Is it consistent? Even a tin can by the side of the road leads to the conclusion of a human creator, but not the entire material universe? Truly they will be without excuse!
Nature: The Big Lie! Many never think of God’s existence because of a scientific substitution . Science simply attributes everything to “nature,” but they never really define what nature actually is. The dictionary defines “nature” as — “the personification of all natural facts and forces.” In other words, science has taken all the “natural facts and forces” of God’s creation and turned them into a person: “Mother Nature.” In this way, all the amazing and wonderful things God created to draw us to him are neutralized since nobody thinks of them in that light any longer.
The creation is the telescope God created for us to see him. Since “his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,” By wresting the glory from God and giving it to the creation they make God invisible and unknowable. This is not unique or new, it has been used many times. All previous generations rejected God with similar methods.
It always begins the same: “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen” (Rom. 1:21-22, 25). These words perfectly describe the method atheists and agnostics have used today. Once the creation is separated from a Creator, thinking has become futile and hearts have darkened. Without gratitude and a sense of debt, selfishness has taken deep root.
Without God there are no laws and no limits. Man is free to devise his own purpose and explore his own desires. But what appeared to lead into freedom only led into darkness and chaos. In following “the lusts of their hearts” they have only been led to “uncleanness,” “vile passions,” and a “reprobate mind.” Integrity and devotion have nearly evaporated into a memory of “the good old days.” This is not new (Ecc 1:9-11), but it is new to many of us.
Conclusion. How do we protect ourselves and our children? When they say Mother Nature we say God and give him the glory. We thank God without ceasing for every good and perfect gift he has bestowed. We keep our relationship with God alive and our praise warm and sincere. We see God in the sunrise and sunset, in the changing of the seasons, in our food, and in gladness and all our joy! Every creation of man proclaims a creator. The existence of the universe proclaims the existence of God, both now and forever GOD IS!