Jacob (See also Old Testament Characters lesson series)
> Isaac, Jacob & Esau (part 1) (pdf)
> Jacob, & Esau (part 2) (pdf)
> Can you comment on the book of James?
> Can you summarize the book of James?
> An Exposition of James 2: 1-10
Jealousy (See Envy)
Jehovah (See God)
Jehovah's Witnesses (See also Church, The True)
> Jehovah's Witnesses (external link)
Jeremiah, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Jeremiah
Jesus (See also Messiah and Nature of Jesus)
> Can you explain Christ to us?
> Can you explain Jesus' development?
> How about the purging of the temple?
> What would a biography of Jesus be?
> When and how do we remember Jesus?
> Christ, Prophet, Priest and King
> The High Priesthood of Jesus
> Jesus - The Perfect Preacher
Jesus' Birth (See also Virgin Birth)
> In what year was Jesus born?
> What do the letters B.C., A.D., BCE, and CE mean?
Jesus' Blood (See Blood of Jesus)
> Did Jesus have brothers and sisters?
Jesus' Church (See Church, The True)
Jesus' Cross (See Cross of Christ)
Jesus’ Miracles (See also Miracles)
Jesus' Nature (See Nature of Jesus)
Jesus' Resurrection (See Resurrection)
Jesus' Return (See Second Coming)
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (See Sermon on the Mount)
Jesus' Transfiguration (See Transfiguration of Jesus)
Jesus, The Way (See Way)
> Can you tell us about the Jewish race?
Jihad (See Islam)
Job, Book of (See also Old Testament Characters lesson series)
> Can you summarize the book of Job?
Joel, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Joel
John 3:16 (See Belief)
> Can you summarize the Gospel of John?
> Can you summarize the book of First John?
John, Book of Second and Third
> Can you summarize the books of Second and Third John?
John, the Apostle (See Apostles)
Jonah, Book of (See also Prophets, Major & Minor)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Jonah
> As A Father Pities His Children - Jonah
> What lessons can we learn from Jonah?
Joseph (See also Old Testament Characters lesson series)
Joshua, Book of (See also Old Testament Characters lesson series)
> Can you summarize the book of Joshua?
Joy (See Happiness)
Judaism (See Law of Moses)
> What can you tell us of Judas?
> Can you summarize the book of Jude?
> Can you comment on the Judgment Day?
> Can you explain God's Judgment?
> What are two divinely set appointments?
> Can you summarize the book of Judges?
> How can Isaiah 5:20 be duplicated today?
> Judging
> Judge Not, that you be Not Judged
> When does judging become wrong?
Justification (See also Salvation and Obedience)