What's New
- Our audio storage provider discontinued web-based access to our audio recordings. As a result, we changed storage providers for new recordings. Copies of older recordings can be provided on request.
- Reorganized the Lessons to create a new category for "The Church" and added lesson material under it on "The Eldership".
- Added 30-day reading plan for the New Testament.
- Added lesson series on "New Testament Survey", "Supernatural", and "1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus".
- Added an "Old Testament Survey" lesson series.
- Finished reworking the website with a "Grand Reopening" on December 15th.
- In the "Bible Lessons" area, started adding material on the book of Ecclesiastes. Also started adding audio recordings of the class on OT Characters.
- Started reworking the website to move away from obsolete Microsoft FrontPage publishing software and related website server extensions.
- Created a new index for sermon topics by moving sermon links from the main A-Z topical index into their own list.
- Added a page for reports and pictures associated with our preacher's trips to Malawi, Africa to preach the gospel.
- Removed less frequently accessed features, including recordings from the 2011-2012 radio program and topics related to the 2012 election.
- Created a Sign Up page to allow people to request their names be added to our weekly and/or monthly article distribution service.
- Added a new series on Old Testament characters to our collection of Bible Lesson.
- Cleaned up the home page by moving some less frequently buttons under a "More..." button.
- Added a new button on the home page to provide access to Internet-based Bible study aids
- Started adding weekly PDF articles previously written by Alan Hitchen.
- Added a new series on the Book of Acts to our collection of Bible Lessons.
- Enhanced the anti-spam filter to eliminate the need for people to properly interact with the submission form.
- Added a new series on "Adding to Your Faith" to our collection of Bible Lessons.
- Added hit counters to all main pages.
- Added an anti-spam filter to all form submissions in an attempt to keep the spam-bots at bay.
- Added a new series on Jesus' "Blessed are..." statements (the Beatitudes) to our collection of Bible Lessons.
- Added a "disclaimer" to our "About Us" page.
- Added a new series on "Prayer" to our collection of Bible Lessons.
- Added links from our A-Z archive index pages to lessons on the Bible Lessons page.
- Announced the arrival of our new preacher, Alan Hitchen, formerly from St. Louis, Missouri.
- Reorganized archived sermons
- Added new material on:
> Should I marry my pregnant girlfriend?
> What does the Bible say about sexual purity?
> How should we view the Hebrew scriptures?
- Based on the recent national & state elections, we would like to offer some Biblical observations about issues raised during the election process. Click on the "Election 2012" button on our homepage for more information.
- Enhanced our "Bible Lessons" area with some downloadable Bible class lessons in addition to our on-line Bible correspondence course.
- Added new material on:
> Is it OK to drink alcohol so long as you don’t get drunk?
- Updated website to reflect the end of our "Bible Questions" radio program.
- Added new material on:
> Marriage, Some Challenges (BT)
- Added a new topic under "S" for "Sermon on the Mount"
- Made changes reflecting the move of the Bible Questions Radio Program from 670 KLTT to sister station 810 KLVZ.
- Added new material on:
> An Exchange on General Benevolence and the Community Church Movement (BT)
- Reorganized the material on "Institutionalism" to distinguish between church-funded and privately-funded pseudo-religious organizations. Created a new topic under "F" for "Florida College", "G" for "Guardian of Truth Foundation", and "H" for "Herald of Truth". Added several links from these topics to archived material at the Bible Truths website.
- Began preparations for switching the Bible Questions radio program to a new station on April 9th.
- Added new material on:
> Preaching, a Medley of Matters (BT)
> Will a person who commits suicide still be saved?
- Added "monthly featured topics" to the home page's Important Announcements area
- Added link to our preacher's Facebook "Bible Questions Radio" page.
- Added new material on:
> When does God approve of divorce?
- Reorganized the Sermons and Radio Program pages to make them more manageable. Kept this year's material on the main pages and moved previous year's material onto lower-level archive pages.
- Public Debate on Salvation and the Role of Baptism. Based on their beneficial discussion on Bible wines, Chris Peltz and Bob Enyart agreed to hold a public debate/discussion on whether baptism is essential for salvation. Added "Baptism Debate" button and supporting material related to the debate conducted on Sept. 8th.
- Added a new "Seeking a Church?" page to give a sampling of important issues that help to identify faithful local congregations.
- Added information on the "Bible Lessons" page to give insight into the content of each lesson.
- Added new material on:
> How can I tell if I have too much pride?
- Uploaded sermons from our Gospel Meeting with Gailen Evans. These can be found on our home page under the "Sermons" button. Just look for sermons from June 5th through June 10th (those with Gailen's name in the title).
- Added new material on:
> How were the books of the New Testament selected?
- Started a call-in radio program on KLTT 670 AM running Monday through Friday from 2:00 to 2:30. Although the radio station is broadcasting to the Denver area, it can be heard on the Internet at www.670KLTT.com. Started offering on-line MP3 recordings of previous broadcasts.
- Started offering on-line MP3 recordings of our Sunday morning and evening sermons.
- Introduced a online Bible study course consisting of eight lessons covering a wide range of important topics from the creation to the hereafter. This course was originally developed by one of our former preachers, Don Martin, and hosted on his website. With his permission, we adapted the lessons to our website.
- Augmented an article on the Sabbath and added new material on:
> What is the mark of the Beast?
- Reorganized the articles under "B" for "Bible" (created two new categories for "Bible Origins" and "Bible Study"). Added new link on:
> Secret ... Revealed Things (BT)
- Reformatted the list of popular topics on the "Popular" page to be more consistent with those on the "Ask a Question" page.
- Added new material on:
> Is Lucifer another name for Satan?
- Added material adapted from Smith's Bible Dictionary to summarize the Old Testament books of Genesis through Song of Solomon (the books of Isaiah through Malachi already had some material) as well as the New Testament books of Matthew through Revelation. Also added the following topics:
- Added new material on:
> What is the Sinner's Prayer?
> How can I choose a good job or career?
> What abot Christianity in the workplace?
- Enhanced the "Ask a Question" page to encourage people to use our Popular questions feature (by adding sample links).
- Expanded "Steps of Salvation" to include some introductory, foundational material
- Cleaned up "Ask a Question" references on the alphabetical topic pages by adding references to existing articles, pointing to other topics, or deleting the topic
- Added new material on:
> What do the letters B.C., A.D., BCE, and CE mean?
- Switched to an improved search feature by a world-class leader in search engine technology
- Enhanced the home page to give immediate access to popular questions, the alphabetical index, and the archives search
- Removed obsolete Archives List page
- Enabled questions to be submitted directly from the website in addition to using email
- Added new material on the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament. To access a specific prophet, use the alphabetical index (e.g., "D" for "Daniel, Book of"). To access the entire series, see "P" for "Prophets, Major & Minor":
> A Survey of the Prophets - Introduction
- Added other new material on:
> Who were the sons of God in Genesis 6?
> Is marriage between cousins a sin?
- Added the "What's New" page
- Reformatted the "Steps to Salvation" page and added hyperlinks to related topics in our archives
- Significantly expanded the Popular page of topics related to frequently asked questions
- Standardized the A..Z navigation feature and added it to the bottom of every alphabetical Archive page for convenience
- Modified the home page to be visually consistent with the rest of the site
- Transferred webmaster responsibility from Don Martin to Jeff Cox
- Significantly streamlined and reorganized the structure of the website to improve usability
- Encountered intermittent problem with the Search feature - started coordinating with web host provider
- Fixed broken hyperlinks
Prior to 2009
- Started website initially with articles published in a local newspaper and the ability for visitors to submit questions