The Ice and Stone Ages
Introduction. The Bible claims to have divine origin (2 Tim. 3: 16, 17). Writers of the Bible “spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1: 21). Even the very words used were Holy Spirit inspired (I Cor. 2: 13, plenary inspiration). If the Bible is inspired of God, then there should be no contradictions between the Bible and established science. However, there often are conflicts. How can this be explained? Some of the explanation is seen in Paul’s instruction to Timothy, “... avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called” (I Tim. 6: 20). The mentioned “science” is derived from the Greek gnosis, knowledge. Hence, a false science or knowledge. I suggest that all major conflicts between science and the Bible involve either so called science (pseudo, not established) or true science that has not caught up to the Bible! The Bible does not purport to be a science book, however, there is harmony between the Bible and science (knowledge and not just theory).
Some are forever seeking to find something, regardless of how minute and forced it may be, that they can claim disproves the Bible. In this regard, they are comparable to the scoffers of whom Peter wrote - “willingly ignorant” (2 Pet. 3: 3-10). Some believe they have disproved the infallibility of the Bible in what science calls the Ice and Stone Age periods of the earth. After all, they tell us, the Bible says nothing about the Ice and Stone Ages; hence, the Bible must be wrong!
The Ice Age. The Ice Age (Pleistocene Epoch) is what geologists call what they believe was the last geological ages of earth history. Many anthropologists believe man attained an evolutionary development, as such, early in the glacial state. The Ice Age is an alleged period of about two million years and ended about eleven thousand years ago. However, an important event which evolutionists ignore is the Noachian flood. The flood caused great earth movements and catastrophes never before or subsequently duplicated (Gen. 7). The flood would have caused great environmental and climatic changes which would affect plants and life in general. The flood would have also accelerated earth’s aging process (uniformitarianism, a “system” often involved in dating, is, therefore, unreliable). Is not it strange that many modern “scientists” in collecting all their theories, regardless of how silly and unsupported they are, will not even consider the Genesis flood, not even as a theory?
The Stone Age. The Stone Age is often a period used to cover what some anthropologists call the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Eras. During this period, it is alleged man began to use tools, live in caves, and raise crops. Again, there is no real contradiction and the Bible does allow for the “Stone Age” argument, at least, to a point. In the first place, much of the dating methods used to arrive at the time “calculation” of millions of years ago are not absolutely reliable. Be that as it may, think about, for instance, the cultural implications the tower of Babel must have had (confusion of tongues, developmental setbacks, dispersion of people, etc., Gen. 11).
Conclusion. It is a fact that the Bible does not speak of the so-called Ice and Stone Ages in scientific concept and terminology. However, the Noachian flood and the tower of Babel must have produced some effects that would have been comparable to what science calls the Pleistocene Epoch and the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Eras of earth’s history.
It is not our task to attempt to harmonize every alleged contradiction between the Bible and science. We are also under no obligation to prove where the Bible always agrees with science. For the most part, history has shown that when the Bible and science conflict, the Bible is later shown to be correct. One thing for sure, though, creation and design indicate a Creator and Designer (Gen. 1-3). Man’s efforts to disprove God only reveal how foolish man can be (Rom. 1). Truly, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God ...” (Ps. 14: 1).
Some are forever seeking to find something, regardless of how minute and forced it may be, that they can claim disproves the Bible. In this regard, they are comparable to the scoffers of whom Peter wrote - “willingly ignorant” (2 Pet. 3: 3-10). Some believe they have disproved the infallibility of the Bible in what science calls the Ice and Stone Age periods of the earth. After all, they tell us, the Bible says nothing about the Ice and Stone Ages; hence, the Bible must be wrong!
The Ice Age. The Ice Age (Pleistocene Epoch) is what geologists call what they believe was the last geological ages of earth history. Many anthropologists believe man attained an evolutionary development, as such, early in the glacial state. The Ice Age is an alleged period of about two million years and ended about eleven thousand years ago. However, an important event which evolutionists ignore is the Noachian flood. The flood caused great earth movements and catastrophes never before or subsequently duplicated (Gen. 7). The flood would have caused great environmental and climatic changes which would affect plants and life in general. The flood would have also accelerated earth’s aging process (uniformitarianism, a “system” often involved in dating, is, therefore, unreliable). Is not it strange that many modern “scientists” in collecting all their theories, regardless of how silly and unsupported they are, will not even consider the Genesis flood, not even as a theory?
The Stone Age. The Stone Age is often a period used to cover what some anthropologists call the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Eras. During this period, it is alleged man began to use tools, live in caves, and raise crops. Again, there is no real contradiction and the Bible does allow for the “Stone Age” argument, at least, to a point. In the first place, much of the dating methods used to arrive at the time “calculation” of millions of years ago are not absolutely reliable. Be that as it may, think about, for instance, the cultural implications the tower of Babel must have had (confusion of tongues, developmental setbacks, dispersion of people, etc., Gen. 11).
Conclusion. It is a fact that the Bible does not speak of the so-called Ice and Stone Ages in scientific concept and terminology. However, the Noachian flood and the tower of Babel must have produced some effects that would have been comparable to what science calls the Pleistocene Epoch and the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Eras of earth’s history.
It is not our task to attempt to harmonize every alleged contradiction between the Bible and science. We are also under no obligation to prove where the Bible always agrees with science. For the most part, history has shown that when the Bible and science conflict, the Bible is later shown to be correct. One thing for sure, though, creation and design indicate a Creator and Designer (Gen. 1-3). Man’s efforts to disprove God only reveal how foolish man can be (Rom. 1). Truly, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God ...” (Ps. 14: 1).