Can you comment on road rage?
Introduction. Road rage is a reality. Studies show aggressive driving and road rage have increased in the United States at an annual rate of 7 percent since 1990. One study in 1996 found that 218 people had been killed and 12,610 injured. "People have been shot because they drove too slowly..," said David K. Willis, president of the Foundation for Traffic Safety. What does road rage have to do with the Bible?
The Bible teaches obedience to civil law. "Let every soul be subject unto the higher power," Paul wrote regarding civil authority (Rom. 13: 1, 2-7). There seems to be an increasing blatant disregard for all authority - religious and civil. Often this outlaw mentality manifests itself in overt action, the militant breaking of laws (speed limits and safe driving are laws). Road rage would be nonexistent if people obeyed the scriptures!
The Bible teaches regard for others, both in acts of courtesy and regard for human life. Man was created in the image of God (Gen. 1: 26). The act of murder and all harboring of hateful attitudes which lead to murder are condemned (Gen. 9: 6, 1 John 3: 10-15). The person who seeks to inflict harm - weather by gun or car - is in rebellion to God's laws. Moreover, God's laws precipitate respect for civil law. The Christian submits to authority, both religiously and civilly (Col. 3: 17, cf. Acts 5: 29).
Road rage is a display of lack of control. Studies on road rage are consistently showing the lack of self-possession. Tempers flare and violence becomes a reality. We must have self-control (cf. Phili. 4: 5).
Conclusion. When will man learn God's way is the best way? Society is decaying because of lack of respect for God and regard for fellow-man.
The Bible teaches obedience to civil law. "Let every soul be subject unto the higher power," Paul wrote regarding civil authority (Rom. 13: 1, 2-7). There seems to be an increasing blatant disregard for all authority - religious and civil. Often this outlaw mentality manifests itself in overt action, the militant breaking of laws (speed limits and safe driving are laws). Road rage would be nonexistent if people obeyed the scriptures!
The Bible teaches regard for others, both in acts of courtesy and regard for human life. Man was created in the image of God (Gen. 1: 26). The act of murder and all harboring of hateful attitudes which lead to murder are condemned (Gen. 9: 6, 1 John 3: 10-15). The person who seeks to inflict harm - weather by gun or car - is in rebellion to God's laws. Moreover, God's laws precipitate respect for civil law. The Christian submits to authority, both religiously and civilly (Col. 3: 17, cf. Acts 5: 29).
Road rage is a display of lack of control. Studies on road rage are consistently showing the lack of self-possession. Tempers flare and violence becomes a reality. We must have self-control (cf. Phili. 4: 5).
Conclusion. When will man learn God's way is the best way? Society is decaying because of lack of respect for God and regard for fellow-man.