How about the Christian and tobacco?
Introduction. Some believe that since the body is physical, it is of no spiritual concern. However, the body is of concern in that it is to be controlled, properly dressed, and cleansed from all spiritual filthiness (I Cor. 9: 27; 1 Tim. 2: 9; 2 Cor. 7: 1). The body is to also be nourished and cherished (Eph. 5: 29).
Health issues. Our bodies are not simply our own possessions (1 Cor. 6: 19). A great price has been paid for our "bodies" (vs. 20). Moreover, our bodies are to be offered a living sacrifice unto God, which involves their preservation (Rom. 12: 1). Hence, we have no right to abuse our bodies with the inhalation of toxic chemicals. Even chewing tobacco is known to frequently produce lip, mouth and throat cancer.
The addiction issue. Peter wrote: "...of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage" (2 Pet. 2: 19). Most, no doubt, who use tobacco are either chemically, emotionally, and/or psychologically addicted to tobacco. In view of the medical warnings and the expense of cigarette smoking, why would a person smoke unless they are a slave to tobacco.
The influence issue. Even if one could successfully argue that in a given case there was no health and/or addiction issue, there remains the matter of how others view the use of tobacco. We are to even, "Let not our good be evil spoken of" (Rom. 14: 16).
Conclusion. The plain truth of the matter is that the use of tobacco is a nasty, enslaving, obtrusive (second hand smoke), and expensive practice for which nothing good can be said. Cigarette smoking usually starts when one is a teenager and seeking to rebel. The young person grows into adulthood and continues to smoke because "they cannot stop." The best way to solve the problem of the drug of nicotine (as well as the other drugs in tobacco) is simply to not ever start using tobacco.
Health issues. Our bodies are not simply our own possessions (1 Cor. 6: 19). A great price has been paid for our "bodies" (vs. 20). Moreover, our bodies are to be offered a living sacrifice unto God, which involves their preservation (Rom. 12: 1). Hence, we have no right to abuse our bodies with the inhalation of toxic chemicals. Even chewing tobacco is known to frequently produce lip, mouth and throat cancer.
The addiction issue. Peter wrote: "...of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage" (2 Pet. 2: 19). Most, no doubt, who use tobacco are either chemically, emotionally, and/or psychologically addicted to tobacco. In view of the medical warnings and the expense of cigarette smoking, why would a person smoke unless they are a slave to tobacco.
The influence issue. Even if one could successfully argue that in a given case there was no health and/or addiction issue, there remains the matter of how others view the use of tobacco. We are to even, "Let not our good be evil spoken of" (Rom. 14: 16).
Conclusion. The plain truth of the matter is that the use of tobacco is a nasty, enslaving, obtrusive (second hand smoke), and expensive practice for which nothing good can be said. Cigarette smoking usually starts when one is a teenager and seeking to rebel. The young person grows into adulthood and continues to smoke because "they cannot stop." The best way to solve the problem of the drug of nicotine (as well as the other drugs in tobacco) is simply to not ever start using tobacco.