Can you comment on such matters as anorexia?
Introduction. The Bible does not address such eating disorders as anorexia by name. However, there are biblical principles that do relate to such abnormalities. Anorexia is defined as, "Lack of appetite and ability to eat, often based on abnormal psychological attitudes" (RHCD).
The gospel is to control our thinking. Many have such a limited understanding of the gospel that they have not come to realize the scope of the gospel. The scriptures teach: "...bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10: 5). Certain thoughts can be sinful, even though they are not executed (cp. Matt. 5: 28). The scriptures tell us what is to fill our minds and thoughts (Phili. 4: 8).
The gospel is to control our conduct. Again, so many have been taught the false gospel of grace only. However, man is under obligation to God. In fact, grace teaches us how to and how not to live (Tit. 2: 11-14). The "word of grace" is God's instrument to teach us (Acts 20: 32). Peter's racial conduct was condemned "according to the truth of the gospel" (Gal. 2: 14).
God provides daily food and teaches us to be thankful (Matt. 6: 11, Acts 27: 35). Our bodies are to be maintained and used in God's service (Rom. 12: 1). Hence, the serious and harmful deprivation of food from our bodies is not good and normal (cp. Luke 15: 14 ff.). The other extreme is gluttony. Gluttony and anorexia have one thing in common, lack of control (1 Cor. 9: 25-27). Anorexia and gluttony can be serious and life threatening. As a rule, such problems are symptomatic of more serious problems. Beloved, the gospel provides the means of being mentally healthy and avoiding psychological problems such as insecurity, excessive worry, and fearfulness that are often associated with such eating disorders (Phili. 4: 13; 4: 6; 2 Tim. 1: 7).
The gospel is to control our thinking. Many have such a limited understanding of the gospel that they have not come to realize the scope of the gospel. The scriptures teach: "...bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10: 5). Certain thoughts can be sinful, even though they are not executed (cp. Matt. 5: 28). The scriptures tell us what is to fill our minds and thoughts (Phili. 4: 8).
The gospel is to control our conduct. Again, so many have been taught the false gospel of grace only. However, man is under obligation to God. In fact, grace teaches us how to and how not to live (Tit. 2: 11-14). The "word of grace" is God's instrument to teach us (Acts 20: 32). Peter's racial conduct was condemned "according to the truth of the gospel" (Gal. 2: 14).
God provides daily food and teaches us to be thankful (Matt. 6: 11, Acts 27: 35). Our bodies are to be maintained and used in God's service (Rom. 12: 1). Hence, the serious and harmful deprivation of food from our bodies is not good and normal (cp. Luke 15: 14 ff.). The other extreme is gluttony. Gluttony and anorexia have one thing in common, lack of control (1 Cor. 9: 25-27). Anorexia and gluttony can be serious and life threatening. As a rule, such problems are symptomatic of more serious problems. Beloved, the gospel provides the means of being mentally healthy and avoiding psychological problems such as insecurity, excessive worry, and fearfulness that are often associated with such eating disorders (Phili. 4: 13; 4: 6; 2 Tim. 1: 7).