Can you comment on "word" in Acts?
Introduction. A study of the way "word" is used in Acts is profitable. As many of you know, Acts the history book of the New Testament. Acts contains about 32 years of recorded history - from the ascension of Jesus until Paul's imprisonment in Rome. Acts shows how the Great Commission was fulfilled (Mk. 16: 15, 16). "Word" is synonymous with gospel.
Christians went everywhere preaching the word. The clergy system, as we know it, did not exist in the First Century. Every Christian sought to teach others. The word of God is the seed of the kingdom (Luke 8: 11). Since Acts records the inception and spread of the kingdom, it is not surprising to learn that great attention was given to spreading the word (Acts 8: 4). The church in Antioch sent out different men to "preach the word" (Acts 13: 1-4). Many who heard the word believed, we are told (4: 4). The word produces faith (Rom. 10: 17).
Designations of the word. The word is called "word of his grace" (Acts 20: 32). This is because God's grace is made known and extended through his word. "Word of salvation" is also an expression found in Acts (13: 26). The word informs and extends the means of salvation (11: 14). Another designation is "words of truth and soberness" (26: 25). The truth is seen in God's word.
They spoke the word with all boldness and the word increased. They spoke the word even in danger of death for so doing (4: 29). Everywhere they went, they spoke the word (8: 4). When the historian sought to mention the growth of Christianity, he does so by mentioning the increase of the word (6: 7, 12: 24, 13: 49, 19: 20).
The word is essential today to produce pristine Christianity. There were no human creeds and religions advanced in Acts - just the word of God.
Christians went everywhere preaching the word. The clergy system, as we know it, did not exist in the First Century. Every Christian sought to teach others. The word of God is the seed of the kingdom (Luke 8: 11). Since Acts records the inception and spread of the kingdom, it is not surprising to learn that great attention was given to spreading the word (Acts 8: 4). The church in Antioch sent out different men to "preach the word" (Acts 13: 1-4). Many who heard the word believed, we are told (4: 4). The word produces faith (Rom. 10: 17).
Designations of the word. The word is called "word of his grace" (Acts 20: 32). This is because God's grace is made known and extended through his word. "Word of salvation" is also an expression found in Acts (13: 26). The word informs and extends the means of salvation (11: 14). Another designation is "words of truth and soberness" (26: 25). The truth is seen in God's word.
They spoke the word with all boldness and the word increased. They spoke the word even in danger of death for so doing (4: 29). Everywhere they went, they spoke the word (8: 4). When the historian sought to mention the growth of Christianity, he does so by mentioning the increase of the word (6: 7, 12: 24, 13: 49, 19: 20).
The word is essential today to produce pristine Christianity. There were no human creeds and religions advanced in Acts - just the word of God.