Why is sin so popular?
Introduction. Sin is totally in vogue today. Sin programs people's speech, dress, and values. Sin dominates people's thinking. Why? Do people have no choice but to sin?
Sin is the easier choice, at least initially. Jesus depicts life's choices as two: The narrow way with the strait gate and the broad way with the wide gate (Matt. 7:13,14). "Strati" (thlibo) means compressed and narrow. It implies a degree of difficulty. Hence, we must "strive" (literally, agonize) to enter in (Luke 13:24). Sin involves doing what you want to do (no authority), irresponsibility, and not facing the facts. While sin initially offers the easier life-style, ultimately, sin is the most difficult (Prov. 13:15, Rom. 6:23). "...be sure you sin will find you out" (Num. 32:23).
Sin offers pleasure. The scriptures affirm the pleasure of sin (Heb. 11:25). However, the pleasure is only "for a season" (Ibid.). The adulterer enjoys pleasure but only temporarily. Ultimately, there is the lack of respect, loss of temperance, and often exposure – divorce. The end result negates the pleasure of sin (cf. Jas. 1:12-15).
Sin is deceptive. The reason most people continue in sin is because they are deceived by sin. The writer of Hebrews mentions the "deceitfulness of sin" (Heb. 3:13). Sin deceives because it does not deliver what it promises!
Conclusion. Dear reader, man does not have to sin – we have a choice (Josh. 24:15). We are either "servants of sin" or servants of righteousness" (Rom. 6:17,18). It takes real courage and individualism to oppose sin, the crowd. God offers you quality of life resulting in heaven. Sin offers you a life of deception and temporary, shallow pleasure which will result in hell. Which do you want?
Sin is the easier choice, at least initially. Jesus depicts life's choices as two: The narrow way with the strait gate and the broad way with the wide gate (Matt. 7:13,14). "Strati" (thlibo) means compressed and narrow. It implies a degree of difficulty. Hence, we must "strive" (literally, agonize) to enter in (Luke 13:24). Sin involves doing what you want to do (no authority), irresponsibility, and not facing the facts. While sin initially offers the easier life-style, ultimately, sin is the most difficult (Prov. 13:15, Rom. 6:23). "...be sure you sin will find you out" (Num. 32:23).
Sin offers pleasure. The scriptures affirm the pleasure of sin (Heb. 11:25). However, the pleasure is only "for a season" (Ibid.). The adulterer enjoys pleasure but only temporarily. Ultimately, there is the lack of respect, loss of temperance, and often exposure – divorce. The end result negates the pleasure of sin (cf. Jas. 1:12-15).
Sin is deceptive. The reason most people continue in sin is because they are deceived by sin. The writer of Hebrews mentions the "deceitfulness of sin" (Heb. 3:13). Sin deceives because it does not deliver what it promises!
Conclusion. Dear reader, man does not have to sin – we have a choice (Josh. 24:15). We are either "servants of sin" or servants of righteousness" (Rom. 6:17,18). It takes real courage and individualism to oppose sin, the crowd. God offers you quality of life resulting in heaven. Sin offers you a life of deception and temporary, shallow pleasure which will result in hell. Which do you want?