Can you comment on "few there be"?
Introduction. We have had a similar question in the past, but I shall be glad to address our present question. After having taught the necessity of entering the strait gate, Jesus said: "...and few there be that find it" (Matt. 7: 14, see vs. 13).
There has always only been a few saved, comparatively speaking. Too many believe that just as long as one does not commit such acts as murder, rape, etc. one will be saved. There were only a few saved in the Antediluvian world (1 Pet. 3: 20). Out of the probable thousands in Sodom and Gomorrah, only a few were saved (2 Pet. 2: 6-9). God freed his people from Egypt (Ex. 13), but out of the apparent millions making up the original generation, only Joshua and Caleb were saved (Num. 14), etc.
Who are the few saved? The few saved are not those who have been unconditionally and arbitrarily predestined to be saved. The Bible does not teach such predestination (cf. Jn 3: 16). Those saved are those who keep on believing (John 3: 16). The word translated (believeth" (pisteuon) is in participle form and present tense (The Analytical Greek Lexicon, pg. 326). Hence, a life style is described and meant. Those who thus believe are those who obey (John 3: 16-21, Jas. 2: 14-26, Lk 6: 46). Hence, the language: "...he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him" (see Heb. 5: 8,9).
Are you one of the "few there be"? Believe (initial act), repent, confess Christ's deity, and be baptized for remission of sins (Acts 16: 31, Luke 13:5, Rom. 10: 9, 10, Acts 2: 38). Be a member of the Lord's church (Matt. 16: 18), and perfect holiness in the fear of God (2 Cor. 7: 1). You see, there are only a few saved because only a few will surrender their stubborn will and implicitly obey the Lord. Be one of them!
There has always only been a few saved, comparatively speaking. Too many believe that just as long as one does not commit such acts as murder, rape, etc. one will be saved. There were only a few saved in the Antediluvian world (1 Pet. 3: 20). Out of the probable thousands in Sodom and Gomorrah, only a few were saved (2 Pet. 2: 6-9). God freed his people from Egypt (Ex. 13), but out of the apparent millions making up the original generation, only Joshua and Caleb were saved (Num. 14), etc.
Who are the few saved? The few saved are not those who have been unconditionally and arbitrarily predestined to be saved. The Bible does not teach such predestination (cf. Jn 3: 16). Those saved are those who keep on believing (John 3: 16). The word translated (believeth" (pisteuon) is in participle form and present tense (The Analytical Greek Lexicon, pg. 326). Hence, a life style is described and meant. Those who thus believe are those who obey (John 3: 16-21, Jas. 2: 14-26, Lk 6: 46). Hence, the language: "...he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him" (see Heb. 5: 8,9).
Are you one of the "few there be"? Believe (initial act), repent, confess Christ's deity, and be baptized for remission of sins (Acts 16: 31, Luke 13:5, Rom. 10: 9, 10, Acts 2: 38). Be a member of the Lord's church (Matt. 16: 18), and perfect holiness in the fear of God (2 Cor. 7: 1). You see, there are only a few saved because only a few will surrender their stubborn will and implicitly obey the Lord. Be one of them!