Can you comment on the Flood?
Introduction. The full question addresses the possible physical effects of Noah's flood. Bible says there was a great, global flood (Gen. 6-8) caused by God because of the sinfulness of man (Gen. 6:12-13). What effects would such a flood have on the earth?
The flood would have produced massive geologic effects. While some people might simplistically view the flood as a prolonged rainstorm. the Bible explains that the source of the deluge was: "all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened" (Gen. 7: 11). As one approaches the Biblical account from the standpoint of geologic effects, one sees great volcanic and tectonic disturbances. Such an enormous release of the great volumes of water had to have caused a vast amount of geologic work in a short time (see Gen. 8:3, Ps. 104: 6-9). Erosion and resedimentation would have occurred on a gigantic level, such as has never been duplicated. Tidal effects, windstorms, and other hydraulic phenomena must have abounded.
The flood's effects on fossil records. Just think of all the accelerated effects such a volume of water would have had on fossilization. Fossils and remains would be found in unusual places and in extraordinary amounts. There would be indications of massive and immediate fossilization. Science shows this to be exactly the case.
Truly, the world before the flood was importantly different from our world (see 1 Pet. 3: 6). Such a flood would have greatly increased the "apparent" age of the earth. The Genesis flood also explains many unanswered scientific questions and fills in many gaps in earth's history. Indeed, the effects are many and enormous! The apparent visible effects of the flood suggest the flood occurred and demonstrate the validity of the Bible.
The flood would have produced massive geologic effects. While some people might simplistically view the flood as a prolonged rainstorm. the Bible explains that the source of the deluge was: "all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened" (Gen. 7: 11). As one approaches the Biblical account from the standpoint of geologic effects, one sees great volcanic and tectonic disturbances. Such an enormous release of the great volumes of water had to have caused a vast amount of geologic work in a short time (see Gen. 8:3, Ps. 104: 6-9). Erosion and resedimentation would have occurred on a gigantic level, such as has never been duplicated. Tidal effects, windstorms, and other hydraulic phenomena must have abounded.
The flood's effects on fossil records. Just think of all the accelerated effects such a volume of water would have had on fossilization. Fossils and remains would be found in unusual places and in extraordinary amounts. There would be indications of massive and immediate fossilization. Science shows this to be exactly the case.
Truly, the world before the flood was importantly different from our world (see 1 Pet. 3: 6). Such a flood would have greatly increased the "apparent" age of the earth. The Genesis flood also explains many unanswered scientific questions and fills in many gaps in earth's history. Indeed, the effects are many and enormous! The apparent visible effects of the flood suggest the flood occurred and demonstrate the validity of the Bible.