Should one preach doctrine?
Introduction. Many preachers and religions today claim that doctrine should not be preached. If it is preached at all, they explain it must be "positive/uplifting” or “simplified for the masses”. Some religions even go to great trouble to conceal their official doctrine. For example, I understand that the Church of Scientology had their doctrine copyrighted.
According to the scriptures pure doctrine is necessary. The word "doctrine” is from the Greek didache. Didache means "teaching" (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vol. 1, pg. 331). We read of the doctrine of the Pharisees (Matt. 15: 9). Jesus said of them, "...Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Every religious group has its own doctrine; this is what distinguishes one religion from another. But pure doctrine is necessary to receive Jesus and be saved. In order for the Romans to be "made free from sin," they had to "obey from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered" (Rom 6: 17, see vss. 1-16). Regarding the necessity of doctrine, John wrote, "Whosoever transgresses, and abides not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God..."(2 John 9). And we must only receive (fellowship) those who "bring this doctrine" (vs. 10).
One cannot preach Jesus without preaching His will, teaching, or doctrine. This concept is involved in Paul's language to the Ephesians: "But ye have not so learned Christ" (Eph. 4: 20). Proper conduct is part of "learning Christ" (vss. 17-20). The eunuch had Jesus preached to him (Acts 8: 35). Immediately, the man said, "...See, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized?" (vs. 36).
God's plan of salvation for the alien sinner - belief, repentance, confession, and baptism - must be plainly taught (Acts 2: 36-41; 8: 37). Even controversial matters regarding the one true church, divorce and remarriage, and how to live righteously are part of the presentation of truth (Matt. 16: 18; Matt. 19: 1-9; Acts 24: 25; see also 2 Tim 3: 10; Acts 20: 20, 27).
Conclusion. We must never forget the words of Jesus.
According to the scriptures pure doctrine is necessary. The word "doctrine” is from the Greek didache. Didache means "teaching" (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vol. 1, pg. 331). We read of the doctrine of the Pharisees (Matt. 15: 9). Jesus said of them, "...Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Every religious group has its own doctrine; this is what distinguishes one religion from another. But pure doctrine is necessary to receive Jesus and be saved. In order for the Romans to be "made free from sin," they had to "obey from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered" (Rom 6: 17, see vss. 1-16). Regarding the necessity of doctrine, John wrote, "Whosoever transgresses, and abides not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God..."(2 John 9). And we must only receive (fellowship) those who "bring this doctrine" (vs. 10).
One cannot preach Jesus without preaching His will, teaching, or doctrine. This concept is involved in Paul's language to the Ephesians: "But ye have not so learned Christ" (Eph. 4: 20). Proper conduct is part of "learning Christ" (vss. 17-20). The eunuch had Jesus preached to him (Acts 8: 35). Immediately, the man said, "...See, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized?" (vs. 36).
God's plan of salvation for the alien sinner - belief, repentance, confession, and baptism - must be plainly taught (Acts 2: 36-41; 8: 37). Even controversial matters regarding the one true church, divorce and remarriage, and how to live righteously are part of the presentation of truth (Matt. 16: 18; Matt. 19: 1-9; Acts 24: 25; see also 2 Tim 3: 10; Acts 20: 20, 27).
Conclusion. We must never forget the words of Jesus.
- “If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples.” (John 8:31)
- “But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46-47)