Can I know that I am saved?
Introduction. The simple, but qualified answer is, yes, you can know. Before we allow the scriptures to answer our question, should we find our life is not consistent with what the Bible says, let us have the courage to make any needed correction. Salvation is too wonderful to not have, now and in eternity!
Salvation is made available to man through and in Christ. The term "Jesus" means salvation (Matt. 1: 21). Jesus invites men to come and learn of Him and "I will give you rest" (Matt. 11: 28). The Holy Spirit and the church invite: "...come...and let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely" (Rev. 22: 17; John 10: 10; see also Rom 8: 1).
The scriptures teach we can know we are saved. John stated to Christians that one reason he wrote his epistle was, "...that ye may know that ye have eternal life..." (1 John 5: 13). Paul had no doubt about his salvation (2 Tim. 4: 6-8).
How can we know that we are saved? We cannot determine our spiritual status by what man says (cf. Acts 15: 1-12), by popularity (cf. Ex. 23: 2), nor by our feelings (Prov. 28: 26). On the day of Pentecost following Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, the apostle Peter preach to an assembled group of Jews from around the Roman empire. When they learned they had murdered their Messiah and were lost, they asked a pivotal question: " and brethren, what shall we do?' (Acts 2: 23, 36-37). Peter told them to "...Repent, and be baptized...for the remission of sins..." (Acts 2: 38). They had already been told to believe (vs. 36), and confession of Jesus' deity is implied (Acts 8: 37, KJV). In doing what these inspired preachers commanded them, their obedient faith would enable them to partake of God's grace and love (Eph. 2: 8-10; Jas. 2: 19-26; Jude 21). When one becomes a Christian, he must remain faithful to God (Rev. 2: 10), abound in the Lord's work (1 Cor. 15: 58), and be actively involved in the work of the local church (Heb. 10: 24-31). When we conform to God's word, we can know we are saved!
Salvation is made available to man through and in Christ. The term "Jesus" means salvation (Matt. 1: 21). Jesus invites men to come and learn of Him and "I will give you rest" (Matt. 11: 28). The Holy Spirit and the church invite: "...come...and let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely" (Rev. 22: 17; John 10: 10; see also Rom 8: 1).
The scriptures teach we can know we are saved. John stated to Christians that one reason he wrote his epistle was, "...that ye may know that ye have eternal life..." (1 John 5: 13). Paul had no doubt about his salvation (2 Tim. 4: 6-8).
How can we know that we are saved? We cannot determine our spiritual status by what man says (cf. Acts 15: 1-12), by popularity (cf. Ex. 23: 2), nor by our feelings (Prov. 28: 26). On the day of Pentecost following Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, the apostle Peter preach to an assembled group of Jews from around the Roman empire. When they learned they had murdered their Messiah and were lost, they asked a pivotal question: " and brethren, what shall we do?' (Acts 2: 23, 36-37). Peter told them to "...Repent, and be baptized...for the remission of sins..." (Acts 2: 38). They had already been told to believe (vs. 36), and confession of Jesus' deity is implied (Acts 8: 37, KJV). In doing what these inspired preachers commanded them, their obedient faith would enable them to partake of God's grace and love (Eph. 2: 8-10; Jas. 2: 19-26; Jude 21). When one becomes a Christian, he must remain faithful to God (Rev. 2: 10), abound in the Lord's work (1 Cor. 15: 58), and be actively involved in the work of the local church (Heb. 10: 24-31). When we conform to God's word, we can know we are saved!