What is original sin?
Introduction. The doctrine of original sin, simply stated, is the belief that Adam and Eve's sin (original sin) was arbitrarily transmitted to all, down to the last baby born before the Lord returns.
Each individual is a sinner because they each have sinned. The eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel is setting forth eternal principles relative to individual amenability. Hear him: "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father...." (Ezek. 18: 20). Adam is the father of the human race (1 Cor. 15: 45-49). Notwithstanding, "...the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father."
Original sin and Romans 5: 19. Romans 5: 19 is the proof verse for original sin. It reads, "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners...." Hence, the view that you and I are sinners because we have inherited the sin of Adam. But notice the remainder of the verse: "...so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." If part A of the verse is teaching the universal and arbitrary transmission of the original sin (directly condemned because of Adam), then part B is teaching universal and arbitrary salvation (directly saved because of what Christ did, without any personal participation on our part). Think about it.
Romans 5: 19 (and the context) is teaching that Adam created the example and environment for sin by his disobedience. To the converse, Christ created the example and environment for righteousness by his obedience. Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3: 4). We become sinners when we sin (Rom. 3: 23). Babies and those who are seriously mentally impaired do not know "to choose the good and refuse the evil"
(Isa. 7: 15, 16). Hence, they are not "condemned sinners" (Matt. 18: 2,3). The consistent application of "original sin" would have them condemned.
Conclusion. The sin of Adam brought about many consequences which you and I do suffer today (Gen. 3, 4). Direct sin, however, is not one of the consequences. It is not “original sin” which condemns you and me, but our own personal sins, for which we are responsible and concerning which we can do something (Acts 2: 14-40).
Each individual is a sinner because they each have sinned. The eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel is setting forth eternal principles relative to individual amenability. Hear him: "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father...." (Ezek. 18: 20). Adam is the father of the human race (1 Cor. 15: 45-49). Notwithstanding, "...the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father."
Original sin and Romans 5: 19. Romans 5: 19 is the proof verse for original sin. It reads, "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners...." Hence, the view that you and I are sinners because we have inherited the sin of Adam. But notice the remainder of the verse: "...so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." If part A of the verse is teaching the universal and arbitrary transmission of the original sin (directly condemned because of Adam), then part B is teaching universal and arbitrary salvation (directly saved because of what Christ did, without any personal participation on our part). Think about it.
Romans 5: 19 (and the context) is teaching that Adam created the example and environment for sin by his disobedience. To the converse, Christ created the example and environment for righteousness by his obedience. Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3: 4). We become sinners when we sin (Rom. 3: 23). Babies and those who are seriously mentally impaired do not know "to choose the good and refuse the evil"
(Isa. 7: 15, 16). Hence, they are not "condemned sinners" (Matt. 18: 2,3). The consistent application of "original sin" would have them condemned.
Conclusion. The sin of Adam brought about many consequences which you and I do suffer today (Gen. 3, 4). Direct sin, however, is not one of the consequences. It is not “original sin” which condemns you and me, but our own personal sins, for which we are responsible and concerning which we can do something (Acts 2: 14-40).