Can you comment on the Ice and Stone Age?
Introduction. Our question concerns these ages as they relate to the Bible. Many claim they can not accept the Bible because they believe it contradicts or does not allow for the existence of these ages.
The Ice Age. The Ice Age (Pleistocene Epoch) is what geologists call what they believe was the last geological ages of earth history. Many anthropologists believe man attained an evolutionary development, as such, early in the glacial state. The Ice Age is an alleged period of about two million years and ended about eleven thousand years ago. An important event which evolutionists ignore is the Noachian flood. The flood caused great earth movements and catastrophes never before or subsequently duplicated (Gen. 7). The flood would have caused great environmental and climatic changes which would affect plants and life in general. The flood would have also accelerated earth's aging process (uniformitarianism, a "system" often involved in dating, is, therefore, unreliable).
The Stone Age. The Stone Age is often a period used to cover roughly the same period of time up to roughy 3000 B.C.. During this period it is alleged man began to use tools, live in caves, and raise crops. Again there is no real contradiction and the Bible does allow for the "Stone Age" argument, at least, to a point. In the first place, much of the dating methods used are not absolutely reliable. Be that as it may, think about, for instance, the cultural implications the tower of Babel must have had (confusion of tongues, developmental set-backs, dispersion, etc.. Gen. 1: 1).
Creation and design indicate a Creator and Designer (Gen. 1-3). Man's efforts to "disprove" God only reveal how foolish man can be (Ps. 14: 1). There is no contradiction between the Bible and real science.
The Ice Age. The Ice Age (Pleistocene Epoch) is what geologists call what they believe was the last geological ages of earth history. Many anthropologists believe man attained an evolutionary development, as such, early in the glacial state. The Ice Age is an alleged period of about two million years and ended about eleven thousand years ago. An important event which evolutionists ignore is the Noachian flood. The flood caused great earth movements and catastrophes never before or subsequently duplicated (Gen. 7). The flood would have caused great environmental and climatic changes which would affect plants and life in general. The flood would have also accelerated earth's aging process (uniformitarianism, a "system" often involved in dating, is, therefore, unreliable).
The Stone Age. The Stone Age is often a period used to cover roughly the same period of time up to roughy 3000 B.C.. During this period it is alleged man began to use tools, live in caves, and raise crops. Again there is no real contradiction and the Bible does allow for the "Stone Age" argument, at least, to a point. In the first place, much of the dating methods used are not absolutely reliable. Be that as it may, think about, for instance, the cultural implications the tower of Babel must have had (confusion of tongues, developmental set-backs, dispersion, etc.. Gen. 1: 1).
Creation and design indicate a Creator and Designer (Gen. 1-3). Man's efforts to "disprove" God only reveal how foolish man can be (Ps. 14: 1). There is no contradiction between the Bible and real science.