Introduction. As we consider the multitude of inventions created in the last few centuries, God’s words to Adam and Eve take on a greater significance: “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion ... over all the earth ... and subdue it.” (Gen. 1:26-28). We should stand in awe of the great potential these words revealed. As we have subdued energy like electricity, natural gas, petroleum and nuclear power, we have seen dominion like never before. We now rule over communication, speaking to and even seeing anyone, anywhere in the world with the touch of a button. We have dominion over hot and cold (freezer/microwave/central heat and air), over light and darkness (light from incandescent to LED), over distance (cars, planes and rockets), over pain and disease (surgeries/medications), and over information (TV’s, computers).
What an amazing God we serve! He planned all this and made it possible. He created the basis for these things and gave us both the intellect and the capacity to create them. This is a fundamental part of being in His image and likeness and the foundation of all dominion. As we subdued energy, we also explored all of the elements God created for our use. Think of the amazing things we have done with minerals, metals, plastics, silicon and glass. The includes the chemicals we have used to create life-saving drugs and the research that has enhanced our lives in multitudes of ways.
Many of the things we imagine today we will create and use tomorrow. Living in such an amazing time and witnessing all that God has made possible should create an awe and reverence we can hardly express. What David saw with only his eyes can now be witnessed with powerful telescopes. We are small in the vastness of our universe which expands ever further with each new telescope we create. Yet in this creation, God made us supreme with all things under our feet.
What an amazing God we serve! He planned all this and made it possible. He created the basis for these things and gave us both the intellect and the capacity to create them. This is a fundamental part of being in His image and likeness and the foundation of all dominion. As we subdued energy, we also explored all of the elements God created for our use. Think of the amazing things we have done with minerals, metals, plastics, silicon and glass. The includes the chemicals we have used to create life-saving drugs and the research that has enhanced our lives in multitudes of ways.
Many of the things we imagine today we will create and use tomorrow. Living in such an amazing time and witnessing all that God has made possible should create an awe and reverence we can hardly express. What David saw with only his eyes can now be witnessed with powerful telescopes. We are small in the vastness of our universe which expands ever further with each new telescope we create. Yet in this creation, God made us supreme with all things under our feet.
- When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, 4 What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? 5 For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. 6 You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet (Ps. 8:3-6)