Sabbath (See also Worship, Law of Moses)
> Why worship on Sunday, not Saturday?
> Is worship on Sunday of pagan influence?
> What are the church sacraments?
Sacrifices (See Blood of Jesus)
Saints (See Catholicism)
Salvation (See also Belief, Obedience, and Baptism)
> Can you analyze Acts chapter 2?
> Can you comment on "few there be"?
> Can you comment on Acts 16:25-34?
> Can you comment on salvation?
> A Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax
> A Narrow Gate and Difficult Way
> Difficult is the Way that Leads to Life and There are Few who Find it
> His Workmanship - A New Creation
> Funerals - A Time to Remember
> The Joys of Springtime Rebirth
> How to survive the (spiritual) Zombie Apocalypse
> Vessels
> What does Revelation 3:20 mean?
> What does Romans 10:13 mean?
> God's Eternal Plan of Salvation
> "What Must I do to be Saved?"
Salvation Army (See Church, The True, Denominationalism)
Same Sex Marriages (See Homosexuality)
Samuel, Book of First and Second
> Can you summarize the books of Samuel?
Sanctification (See also Holiness)
Sarcasm (See Tongue )
Satan (See Devil)
Saul of Tarsus (See Paul)
Scheme of Redemption (See Salvation)
Science (See Evolution)
Scourging (See Crucifixion)
Scratch Games (See Gambling)
Scriptures (See Bible)
> Matthew 24 and Jesus' Coming
Second Death (See Hell)
Sects (See Denominationalism)
Security (See Eternal Security)
Seduction (See Fornication)
Seed of Kingdom (See Kingdom)
Self-confidence (See Eternal Security)
Self-deception (See Sin)
Self-denial (See Lord)
Self-examination (See Christian Living)
Self-gratification (See Masturbation)
Selfishness (See also Pride)
> Foolishness in the Heart of a Child
Sensuality (See Worldliness)
Separation (See Marriage)
Separation of Church and State (See Civil Government)
Seraphim (See Angels)
Sermon on the Mount (See also The Sermon on the Mount (lesson series))
> The Sermon on the Mount: Are we Wise or Foolish?
> The Sermon on the Mount (summary)
> Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
> Blessed Are the Those who Mourn
> Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness
> Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
> Persecuted for Righteousness
> What Does "but I say unto you" mean?
Serpent (See Devil)
Servant (See Lord)
Seventh Day Adventist (See also Church, The True, Sabbath)
> Seventh Day Adventist (external link)
Sex (See also Pornography, Fornication, Marriage, Masturbation, and Homosexuality)
> What does the Bible say about Human Sexuality?
> The Bible and Sexual Misconduct
Shame (See Conscience)
Sheol (See Hades)
Shepherd's Chapel (See also Church, The True)
> Shepherd's Chapel (external link)
Sickness (See Suffering)
Signs of the Times (See Premillennialism)
Sin (See also Original Sin, Salvation and Calvinism)
> Can you comment on the woes of Jesus?
> What does Romans 5: 21 mean?
> Putting to Death the Deeds of the Body
> Sin
> Sin, Different Action Considered
Sincerity (See Zeal)
Singing (See Music)
Sinlessness (See Perfection)
Sinner's Prayer (See also Baptism, Grace, Prayer)
> What is the Sinner's Prayer?
> What is mourner's bench salvation?
Skepticism (See Christian Evidences)
Skin (See Racism)
Skirt (See Dress)
Slander (See Gossip)
Slothfulness (See Zeal)
> How about the Christian and tobacco?
Sobriety (See Drinking)
Social Drinking (See Drinking)
> "The People Rose Up To Play"
Societies (See Institutionalism - Church Funded)
Sodom and Gomorrah (See Homosexuality)
Soldiers (See War)
Son of God (See Nature of Jesus)
> Can you summarize the Song of Solomon?
> Who were the sons of God in Genesis 6?
Soothsayer (See Occult)
Sorcery (See Occult)
Sorrow (See also Suffering)
Soul (See Nature of Man)
Sower (See Preaching)
Speaking in Tongues (See Miracles)
Spirit of Man (See Nature of Man)
Spirit, Holy (See Holy Spirit)
Spiritual Warfare (See Zeal)
Spiritualism (See Occult)
Spirituality (See Zeal)
> How about the sponsoring church arrangement?
Sprinkling (See Baptism)
Stars (See Evolution)
State (See Civil Government)
Steadfastness (See Perseverance)
Stealing (See Gambling)
Stem Cell Research (See Abortion)
Stiff-necked (See Repentance)
Stoicism (See Suffering)
Stone Age (See Evolution)
Strangers (See Hospitality)
Stray (See Apostasy)
Stress (See Fear)
Stubbornness (See Obedience)
Study (See Bible)
Submission (See Obedience, Lord)
Suffering (See also Job, Book of)
> Can you comment on affliction?
> Can you comment on disappointment?
> Is Anything Too Hard for the LORD?
> Putting Tragedy into Perspective
> The Healing Power of God (part 1)
> The Healing Power of God (part 2)
> How about physician-assisted suicide?
> Will a person who commits suicide still be saved?
Suing (See Lawsuits)
Supplication (See Prayer)
Swearing, Falsely (See Lying, Oaths)
Swearing, Profane (See Profanity)
Swedenborgianism (See also Church, The True)
> Swedenborgianism (external link)
Swimsuits (See Dress)
Sword (See Bible)
Sympathy (See Suffering)