Pain (See Suffering)
Parables (See also Parables of Jesus (lesson series))
> Can you explain the parable of the sower? (#1)
> Can you explain the parable of the sower? (#2)
> Parables
> What can we learn from the story of the prodigal son?
> The Sower Went Forth to Sow - The Stony Heart
> The Parable of the Sower and Man's Responsibility
Paradise (See Hades)
Pardon (See Forgiveness)
Parenting (See Family)
Parsimony (See Greed)
Passion (See Fornication)
Passover (See Lord's Supper)
Pastors (See Church Government)
Patience (See Perseverance)
Patricide (See Murder)
Pattern (See Authority)
> Paul's Great "I am" Statements
> Let the Peace of God Rule in your Hearts
> How common is peer pressure?
Penitence (See Repentance)
Pentateuch (See also Law of Moses)
> Can you explain the day of Pentecost?
Pentecostalism (See Miracles)
Penuriousness (See Greed)
Perfidy (treachery) (See Lying)
Perjury (See Lying)
Persecution (See Suffering)
Perseverance (See Apostasy and Zeal)
Personal Evangelism (See also Personal Evangelism (lesson series))
> Can you explain First Peter?
> Can you summarize the book of First Peter?
> What is the design of Second Peter?
> Can you summarize the book of Second Peter?
Peter, the Apostle (See also Catholicism)
> What does the Bible say about Peter?
Petition (See Prayer)
Pharisees (See also Legalism)
Philanthropy (See Giving)
> Can you summarize the book of Philemon?
> Can you summarize the book of Philippians?
Piety (See Zeal)
Pit (See Hades)
Plan of Salvation (See Salvation)
Pleasure (See Worldliness)
> Must elected officials have good morals?
Polygamy (See also Fornication, Marriage)
Popularity (See Peer Pressure)
Pork (See Meat Eating)
> How about the Bible and pornography?
> You Have Heard ... Adultery (pdf)
Possibility of Apostasy (See Apostasy)
Pot (See Drug Abuse)
Poverty (See Homelessness)
Praise (See Music)
Prayer (See also Cornelius, Sinner's Prayer, and Prayer (lesson series))
> Can you comment on getting prayers answered?
> Did God hear Cornelius' prayers?
> What is prayer in Jesus' name?
> What is the truth about prayer?
> What is wrong with praying to Mary?
> Who Do We Address in Our Prayers?
> Paul's Prayers for the Ephesians (part 1)
> Paul's Prayers for the Ephesians (part 2)
> To Be Noticed ... When You Pray (pdf)
> What Prayer Will and Will Not Do
> What the Bible Teaches about Prayer
> Pray Not Thou For This People
> An Interesting Incident Regarding Prayer
> Must preachers live what they preach?
> The Located Preacher and his Work
> Preaching, a Medley of Matters
> The Training of Preachers, How Done?
> Why So Many Differences Among Preachers Today?
Predestination (See also Salvation, Calvinism)
> Does the Bible teach predestination?
Prejudice (See also Judging, Racism)
Premarital Sex (See Fornication)
Premillennialism (See also Second Coming, Jehovah's Witnesses, Revelation, Book of)
> Is Christ going to reign a thousand years in Jerusalem?
> What is the mark of the Beast?
> The Truth about Premillennialism
> Why Bring Jesus Back to Earth (sermon outline)
Presbyterian Church (See Church, The True, Denominationalism)
Presbyters (See Elders)
Pride (See also Humility)
> How can I tell if I have too much pride?
> To be Seen of Men (part 1) - Glory in the Lord
> To be Seen of Men (part 2) - Acts of Mercy
Priesthood (See also Church Government)
> The High Priesthood of Jesus
> Who were Aquila and Priscilla?
Prize (See Heaven)
Pro-choice (See Abortion)
> How can I overcome procrastination?
> What can we learn from the story of the prodigal son?
Profession (See Work, Secular)
Promises (See also Grace)
> 1 Corinthians 10:13, a Promise
Prophecy (See also Premillennialism)
> Prophecy - Rise and Fall of Nations
> Prophecies on the Rise and Fall of Nations (pdf)
> Prophecies on the Messiah (pdf)
Prophets, False (See False Teaching)
> A Survey of the Prophets - Introduction
> A Survey of the Prophets - Epilog
Propitiation (See Blood of Jesus)
Prostitution (See Fornication)
Protestantism (See also Church, The True)
> Does Protestantism exist today?
Proud (See Pride)
> What can we learn from Proverbs?
> Can you summarize the book of Proverbs?
> Joseph, a Study of Providence
Prudence (See Wisdom)
> Can you summarize the book of Psalms?
Psychics (See Occult)
Public Schools (See Columbine Tragedy)
Punishment (See Hell)
Punishment, Capital (See Death Penalty)
Purgatory (See Catholicism)
Purity (See Holiness)